
音标: 英 [zɪŋk] 美 [zɪŋk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 锌
vt. 镀锌于

n. a bluish-white lustrous metallic element; brittle at ordinary temperatures but malleable when heated; used in a wide variety of alloys and in galvanizing iron; it occurs naturally as zinc sulphide in zinc blende
v. coat or cover with zinc


1. I guess we could play a round of zinc, zinc, piece of quartz.


2. The key seems to be in coating the zinc needles with mercury.


3. Yeah, a little more rest, a little more zinc, you'll be right there with them.

多休息 再加一点锌 你就会和他们一样了

4. European auto manufactures use a ton of zinc.


5. Cabe and I will grab munitions scrap for the zinc oxide.


6. Now, they match the copper, zinc and plastic we found in the victim's wounds.

铜 锌和塑料都 和死者伤口上发现的一致

7. Our techs found pipes in your car made of zinc, copper and polyethylene.

技术人员在你的车里发现 由锌 铜和聚乙烯做成的水管

8. Now, the most common use of copper, zinc and plastic is in a plumbing pipe.

现在 铜 锌及塑料 在排水管上用得最普遍

9. The low to medium concentrations of calcium and zinc in the soil, would suggests parkland.

土壤中钙和锌含量偏中下 说明是公园地区

10. Bust out that zinc, 'cause your man is going to the shore with you next weekend.

找出防晒霜 因为你男友 下周末陪你去海滩
