
音标: 英 [flæpɪŋ] 美 [flæpɪŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


[计] 抖动

n the motion made by flapping up and down
v move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion
v move noisily
v move with a thrashing motion
v move with a flapping motion
v make a fuss; be agitated
v pronounce with a flap, of alveolar sounds


1. The cat, when it goes through our cat flap, exhibits some of the behaviours of its wild ancestors, such as hunting, and then it will come back through our cat flap and have a social bond with the owner and be a family pet.

当猫猫们钻出猫洞以后 会表现一些他们的野生祖先有的行为 比如捕猎 然而他们回家以后 又会作为宠物 与主人产生互动的纽带

2. We want to get a picture of your cat's natural, normal life, so don't do anything different, don't change your routines, don't lock the cat flap, don't suddenly call up the local handyman and get a cat flap put in.

我们想拍摄你的猫的自然普通的生活 所以不要做任何改变 一切照旧 不要把猫洞锁上 不要突然让工人上门 做一个猫洞

3. She'll see through it, but I don't give a flap.

她肯定能看出来 但我才不在乎

4. He does enough flapping and jacking on his own.


5. All you have to do is look into the flap of his book.


6. Flaps tight down, and watch me closely.

紧紧扣上 看清楚我的动作

7. Your cat flap, is it open at all times? It is.

你的猫洞 时刻开着的吗 是的

8. See whether or not it's flapping or tearing.


9. It was always a flap, or a trap or mirrors.

总是有暗门 陷阱或者镜子

10. Because the current created by all the flapping is very strong.

