
音标: 英 [ˌaʊtˈdeɪtɪd] 美 [aʊtˈdetɪd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 旧式的, 落伍的, 过时的

s. old; no longer valid or fashionable


1. I had some, but it's probably very outdated.

我有一些 但可能很过时了

2. II did. It's all outdated or disproved.

看啦 不是太旧就是被拒[反证]的

3. Our computers are they're old, they're outdated.

公司的电脑太旧了 过时了

4. The lab is outdated, but we'll make do with what we have.

实验室有点旧 但是我们只能物尽其用

5. Some would say that view is outdated.


6. It's outdated. It's from uni days.

这已经过时了 是大学时候的书

7. Yeah, because the classes were outdated even then.

是的 因为那个时候的课程已经过时了

8. I believe that way of thinking is outdated.


9. Then you were given an outdated form, I'm afraid.

我恐怕 他们给了你过期的表格

10. But that test is outdated‐‐ ‐ I want to take it.

但是那个测试已经过时了 我想做
