
音标: 英 ['grændˌfɑ:ðəlɪ] 美 ['grændˌfɑ:ðəlɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 老祖父的, 慈祥的, 老祖父似的

a. Like a grandfather in age or manner; kind;
benignant; indulgent.


1. Of the grandfather of the marquise's grandfather.


2. I don't have to do that, I'm grandfathered into that, too.

我不用系安全带 这也是爷爷的特权

3. His grandfather built a wall over my grandfather's land and claimed it as his own.

他祖父在我祖父的地盘上建了一堵墙 声称是他自己的

4. However, the jacket was also of the grandfather of the marquise's grandfather.

而且这件夹克 可是侯爵夫人祖父的祖父的

5. What I know is, our destinies are not decided by our fathers or grandfathers or, in your case, greatgreatgreatgreat grandfather.

我知道的是 我们的命运并不由 我们的父亲或祖父决定 或者 对你来说 曾曾曾曾祖父

6. Your grandfather would be so proud of you.

你爷爷如果还在世 也会为你感到骄傲的

7. Well, we have to, he's grandfathered in.

必须做 这是爷爷的特权

8. My grandfather would do this for my grandmother.


9. Of course not, but my grandfather's not here.

当然没有 但我爷爷不在

10. He's at his best when he's a grandfather.

他是外公时 状态才最好
