
音标: 英 [ˈændəsn] 美 [ˈændəsən]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 安德森市(美国印第安纳州);安德森(男子名)

n. United States author whose works were frequently autobiographical (1876-1941)
n. United States physicist who studied the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems (1923-)
n. United States dramatist (1888-1959)


1. Anderson wasn't there, but there was no sign of a struggle.

Anderson不在家里 但是房中没有挣扎打斗的痕迹

2. Anderson built that division on your shoulders.


3. Anderson's out of the bathroom. I got to go.

安德森出厕所了 我得走了

4. You tell them you used to work with anderson.

你告诉他们 你以前是跟安德森干的

5. Anderson about blew a gasket. It was a thing of beauty.

安德森差点就勃然大怒 简直太美了

6. Anderson's been after me for years to get into my business, my father before me.

安德森找了我好几年 之前是我父亲 想进入我的生意

7. Anderson's business is my business, and he wants in on your business.

安德森的生意就是我的生意 而他想加入你的生意

8. Anderson and I resealed the breach point and the vent.


9. Peter met anderson at new college at oxford.


10. Anderson's size and strength had no bearing whatsoever on what happened in the forest.

安德森的体型和力量 跟发生在树林里的事毫无关系
