
音标: 英 [ɪ'ləʊpmənt] 美 [ɪ'loʊpmənt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 潜逃, 私奔
[法] 私奔, 逃亡, 出走

n. the act of running away with a lover (usually to get married)


1. No, I think it's because we're eloping.

不是 我想是因为我们私奔来结婚

2. But you don't want to elope because it's romantic.

你不是因为浪漫 才想私奔

3. And then you and I eloped, and I became very unacceptable.

然后我和你私奔了 他就不接受我了

4. So they eloped and I have not seen her since.

于是他们私奔了 自此我们再未相见

5. His parents cut him off when we eloped.

我们私奔后 他父母就跟他断了关系

6. No, it went horribly, and I threatened to elope.

糟透了 我威胁她说要隐婚

7. And every now and then, when I'm not looking, you elope with him.

趁我没有注意 你时不时会跟他溜走

8. Especially when you eloped with her last night.


9. We should just elope, go to the courthouse.

我们应该私奔 直接去法院结婚

10. Admit it, now you wish we hadn't eloped.

承认吧 现在你肯定后悔我们当年私奔了
