
音标: 英 [mæ'meɪlɪən] 美 [mæˈmeljən]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 哺乳动物
a. 哺乳动物的

a. of or relating to the class Mammalia


1. We could try incubating in mammalian vero cells.


2. confirms homologous but possibly mutated mammalian physiology.

确是同种类的 不过可能是突变后的动物

3. For most mammalian species, survival depends on knowing and sticking with your pack.

对大多数哺乳动物来说 生存取决于了解和聚集你的族群

4. Humans have brought a whole range of mammalian competitors and predators to these shores.

是人类向这些岛屿引入了大量的哺乳动物 它们既是竞争者也是捕食者

5. It ain't healthy for a mammalian body to hop more than 50 jumps at a time.

对于哺乳类来说 一下跳跃50次以上对身体有害

6. The mammalian vocal tract is incredibly flexible so whether we're looking at dogs or pigs or goats or monkeys, we always see the same thing, that the, the anatomy rearranges itself very dynamically while the animal is vocalising.

哺乳动物的声道长度变化相当灵活 不论是观测猪狗还是山羊猴子 我们总能看到同样的结果 它们的生理结构随发声过程动态地变化着
