
音标: 英 [ˌəʊvəˈleɪ] 美 [ˌovɚˈle]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 覆盖, 覆盖图, 使负担过重
[计] 覆盖, 覆盖图

n. a layer of decorative material (such as gold leaf or wood veneer) applied over a surface
v. put something on top of something else


1. What you have is a spirit/energy overlay.


2. The scale overlay on the map is great, but it's approximate.

地图上的标尺是不错 但也只是估计值

3. She could overlay her own personal geography on the real world.

她可以把她想象的地图 和现实重叠

4. Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays.

你的心灵是由 许多东西叠加而成的

5. When we overlay the maps, we can see none of the locations are the same.

把这些地图叠加起来之后 发现这些地点都不相同

6. People talk about quant fundamentals, human overlay.

许多人都在探讨量本投资 人为风险对冲

7. If you flip the overlay, these are the crimes committed over the past four years.

你把透明页翻过来看的话 这些是过去四年里发生的犯罪事件

8. We put a height scale overlay on the image, but because of the angle, it's not exact.

我们在图像上放了标尺 但由于角度问题 不是很准确

9. We can enter the money into the system as marketing costs, investment overlay.

我们可以把这些钱当营销成本 对冲风险什么的入账

10. Blood splatter overlay patterns indicate victim number 3 was over here.

根据血溅图案来看 三号死者在这里
