
音标: 英 [ˈaɪzək] 美 [ˈaɪzək]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 艾萨克(男人名);以撒(希伯来族长, 犹太人的始祖亚伯拉罕和萨拉的儿子)

n. (Old Testament) the second patriarch; son of Abraham and Sarah who was offered by Abraham as a sacrifice to God; father of Jacob and Esau


1. His name is Isaac Isaac the fornicator.

他叫艾萨克 私通者艾萨克

2. Isaac! Isaac, come and be in the photo.

艾萨克 艾萨克 过来照相

3. Henceforth, you will no longer be known as Isaac the fornicator, but as Isaac the truthteller.

从今以后 你不再是 私通者艾萨克 而是真言者艾萨克

4. You and I have both moved on, Isaac.

你和我都向前看了 艾萨克

5. Isaac, you shoot him, you're on your own.

艾萨克 你要是杀了他 你就靠你自己了

6. It won't be up to you when Isaacs talks.


7. These people are all here for you, Isaac.

這些人都是為你而來的 艾薩克

8. Isaac, tell them they don't have to do this.

艾萨克 告诉他们 不一定要这么做

9. It wasn't your fault. It was Isaac's.

不是你的错 是艾萨克的错

10. Isaac did not do such a thing. It is not within him.

艾萨克没做这种事 他不是那种人
