
音标: 英 [wɔ:pt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 反常的; 乖戾的; (变)弯曲的; 变形的
v. 弄弯, 变歪( warp的过去式和过去分词 ); 使(行为等)不合情理, 使乖戾,

s. used especially of timbers or boards; bent out of shape usually by moisture


1. We have no weapons, no warp, no countermove at all.

我们没有武器 没有曲速 没有任何应对的办法

2. Let's see how much you've been warped.


3. If this is warp drive, we'll get there before them.

如果这艘船是曲速航行 我们会提前到

4. It existed in a time warp, so to speak.


5. Could warp the senses, corrupt the mind.

它会扭曲感官 腐蚀心智

6. That's why we're warping and not using the spore drive.

这是为什么我们正在以曲速前进 而没用孢子引擎

7. We're advised that it's safe to drop out of warp.


8. It's the medication and your condition that's warping your thinking.

是药物 和你的病情搅乱了你的大脑

9. 菲奥娜·西蒙兹小姐 or there'll be splitting and warping.

美国大使馆 否则木头就会开裂或者受潮

10. You used to be warped and twisted and hilarious.

你曾经那么有意思 狂野 搞笑
