
音标: 英 [ˈkwægə] 美 [ˈkwæɡə, ˈkwɑɡə]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 白氏斑马

n. mammal of South Africa that resembled a zebra; extinct since late 19th century


1. I... I don't care if you found one quagga, two quagga... I care that you found any.

我不在乎你们找到了一头斑驴 还是两头斑驴 我在乎的是你们真的找到了

2. In the quagga's case, that's a zebra.

对于斑驴来说 近亲就是斑马

3. Been well over 100 years since anyone's seen a quagga.


4. A search of his apartment has yielded no clues as to where he is keeping his one remaining quagga.

对他公寓的搜查 也没有找到他把那头小斑驴 藏在哪里的线索

5. Unbeknownst to anyone except our mysterious deextinctionist, the animals were not pregnant with zebras but with quaggas.

除了我们神秘的人工再造学家 没人知道它们肚子里不是斑马而是斑驴
