
音标: 英 [ˌdi:selə'reɪʃn] 美 [ˌdi:selə'reɪʃn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 减速
[医] 减速[度]

n. a decrease in rate of change
n. (physics) a rate of decrease in velocity
n. the act of decelerating; decreasing the speed


1. So, to accelerate or decelerate that process is of no great matter.

所以 加速或是减速这一过程 并没什么大不了

2. Thrown from a vehicle with a high deceleration injury.

从车上被甩下来 严重的减速性损伤

3. Dynamic stress load, number of accelerations, decelerations.

动态压力负荷 加速和减速的次数

4. That's the drive plume of a ship decelerating hard toward us.


5. The point is, we can use a rapid deceleration to save this meteor.

重点在于 我们可以用快速减速法 来救这颗陨石

6. Start decelerating when you pass that midpoint, you should be all right. I think he's right.

差不多过了中点的时候就开始减速 就应该差不多了 我觉得鼹鼠说的没错

7. We've increased oxygen concentration, but there's variable decelerations in the foetal heartbeat.

我们增加了氧气浓度 但胎儿的心跳有变异减速

8. You know how at the spa you go from the sauna into a cold immersion tub for rapid deceleration.

在水疗中心 从桑拿出来后 会直接进入冷浸浴缸 让身体迅速降温

9. Nobody seems to know why, but apparently, all the ships in this space suddenly decelerated at the same moment.

没人知道 不过看起来 这一区域所有的飞船 突然间同时减速了

10. Without navigation and at the speeds you'll be going, if you don't decelerate in time, you will pancake on the surface.

你们没有导航 而且下落速度极快 如果不及时减速 你们就会变成煎饼了
