SCANScottish Archive Network
SCANStop Child Abuse Now
SCANSocial Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (journal; Oxford)
SCANSpace Communications and Navigation (US NASA)
SCANSuspected Child Abuse and Neglect
SCANShared Check Authorization Network
SCANScientific Committee on Animal Nutrition
SCANSelected Current Aerospace Notices
SCANStates of California and Nevada
SCANSchedule for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry
SCANSwitched Circuit Automatic Network
SCANSystem for Convection Analysis and Nowcasting (US NWS)
SCANSurvey, Consider, Analyze, Notify (ExxonMobile hazard recognition)
SCANShipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice (USPS)
SCANShuttle Connector Analysis Network (US NASA)
SCANSpeciality Center Acquisitions, NAVFAC
SCANSecure Cops Alert Network
SCANSilica-Coated Aluminum Nitride
SCANSupplier Corrective Action Notice
SCANSelf-Correcting Automatic Navigation
SCANSimulated Comprehensive Air Navigation
SCANSomerville-Cambridge Aging Network (Massachusetts)
SCANStreamlined Senior Correlation Analyst
SCANSpecial Customer Agreement Number
SCANSmall Customer Access Node
SCANSouthwest Community Action Network (Berea, Ohio)
SCANScientific Computing Arithmetic and Validated Numerics (IEEE conference)
SCANSecure Communications in ATM Network