CRAFTCooperative Research Action for Technology (EU)
CRAFTCollaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training (Ontario, ON, Canada)
CRAFTCenter for Research into the Anthropological Foundations of Technology
CRAFTConfigurable Runtime Analysis for Floating-Point Tuning (software research project)
CRAFTCray Research Adaptive FORTRAN
CRAFTComputerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique
CRAFTCommon Radio Frequency Communication/Navigation Test Set (US Navy)
CRAFTComparative Risk Assessment Framework and Tools (USDA)
CRAFTCenter for Renewable and Alternative Fuel Technologies
CRAFTCan't Remember A Freakin' Thing (polite form)
CRAFTClearance, Route, Altitude, Frequency, Transponder (aviation mnemonic, IFR clearnance)
CRAFTCommunication, Resources, Approach, Foundation and Technique (haircutting system)
CRAFTComponent Repository And Framework Technology