ASCAAmerican School Counselor Association
ASCAAustralian Shepherd Club of America
ASCAArab Society of Certified Accountants
ASCAAdministrative Simplification Compliance Act (US DHHS)
ASCAAmerican Swimming Coaches Association
ASCAAmerican Society of Consulting Arborists
ASCAAll Students Can Achieve
ASCAAsian Crystallographic Association (International Union of Crystallography)
ASCAAssociation of State Correctional Administrators
ASCAAdult Survivors of Child Abuse
ASCAAnabolic Steroid Control Act
ASCAAnti Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Antibody
ASCAAmerican Safe Climbing Association
ASCAAccumulating Savings and Credit Association
ASCAANOVA-Simultaneous Component Analysis
ASCAAddiction Support and Care Agency (UK)
ASCAArchitectural Spray Coaters Association
ASCAAdvanced Satellite for Cosmology & Astrophysics
ASCAAirplane Stability and Control Analyzer (Whirlwind)
ASCAArtillery Systems Cooperation Activities
ASCAAustralian Specialist Cheesemakers' Association (Australia)
ASCAAdvanced Spacecraft for Cosmology Astrophysics
ASCAAssociation for Scientific Cooperation in Asia (Australia)
ASCAAssociate of the Institute of Company Accountants
ASCAAir Support Coordination Agency
ASCAAdvanced Stellar Compass Assembly
ASCAAlberta Sporting Clay Association
ASCAApplications Systems Control and Auditability
ASCAAmerican Shepherd Club of America