
词组 wagging
释义 wagging /ˈwægɪŋ/ SEE ALLthe tail (is) wagging the ˈdog ( let the tail wag the ˈdog) used to describe a situation where a small, unimportant thing controls a larger, more important thing 本末倒置;喧宾夺主In this company the workers tell the manager what he can and cannot do. It’s a real case of the tail wagging the dog.这家公司里是雇员规定经理的职权范围,真是上下颠倒。set ˈtongues wagging (informal) cause people to start talking about sb’s private affairs 惹人家说长道短;使议论纷纷A careless remark about his family really set tongues wagging.无心说了一句他的家庭,招来了口舌是非。

