组词“of all the cheek nerve stupid things to do etc.!”的意思

词组 of all the cheek nerve stupid things to do etc.!
释义 of ˌall the ˈcheek, ˈnerve, stupid things to ˈdo, etc.! (informal) used to express annoyance, impatience, etc. at what another person has done or said (表示恼怒、不耐烦等)真是厚脸皮(或胆大包天、愚蠢等)Of all the idiots, leaving his car unlocked in the middle of town!
NOTE This expression is often used without a noun, especially to show that somebody is annoyed. 这个表达法常省去名词,尤其在表示恼怒的时候:She said I was fat? Well, of all the …!

