
单词 跛足
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔claudication〕A halt or lameness in a person's walk; a limp.跛行:人行走时蹒跚或跛足;跛行美国传统〔disqualify for〕Her lame foot disqualified her for dance.她因跛足而不能跳舞。21世纪英汉〔drag〕The crippled old man dragged along slowly.跛足老人拖着沉着的脚步缓慢地往前走。21世纪英汉〔hoofbound〕Afflicted with drying and contraction of the hoof, resulting in lameness. Used of a horse.挛缩足的:因遭受蹄的干枯和收缩而导致跛足的(用于马)美国传统〔hurtful〕The crippled child hobbling to catch up was a hurtful sight.那个跛足的孩子一拐一拐地试图赶上大家,叫人看了心里难过。英汉大词典〔lame〕A bullet lamed the soldier for life.一粒子弹让这个士兵一生跛足21世纪英汉〔lame〕Persistent damage or inadequate healing may lead to chronic lameness.反复受伤或治疗不当可导致长期跛足柯林斯高阶〔pronounced〕He walked with a pronounced limp.他走路明显跛足牛津高阶〔reason〕By reason of his lameness the boy could not play games.由于跛足,那男孩不能参加游戏。英汉大词典〔ringbone〕A bony growth on the fetlock, pastern, or coffin bone of a horse's foot, usually causing lameness.环骨瘤:长在马蹄的长丛毛、魈或蹄骨上的外生骨瘤,常引起跛足美国传统By perseverance the crippled boy learned how to swim. 那个跛足的男孩透过不屈不挠的努力学会了游泳。译典通They transplant tendons to enable the crippled to walk. 他们透过移植腱使跛足的人能行走。译典通

