
单词 脚跟
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Achilles tendon〕The large tendon connecting the heel bone to the calf muscle of the leg.跟腱:把脚跟骨头和腿部腓肌连接起来的大的肌腱美国传统〔attention〕A military posture, with the body erect, eyes to the front, arms at the sides, and heels together.立正姿势:一种军人的姿势,身体直立,目视前方,手臂置于身体两侧,脚跟并拢美国传统〔back-heel〕He back-heeled the ball into the net.他用脚跟把球回踢入网。外研社新世纪〔back-heel〕He back-heeled the ball towards goal.他用脚跟将球踢向球门。牛津高阶〔backheel〕He managed to backheel the ball into his own net.他成功用后脚跟将球送入自家大门。剑桥高阶〔backheel〕His backheel to Pessotto took two defenders completely out of the game.他用后脚跟传给佩索托的球一下子甩开了两名后卫。剑桥高阶〔bail〕His partner bailed out before the business got on its feet.商店尚未站住脚跟,他的合伙人就撒手不管了。英汉大词典〔big time〕He took a long time to settle in to big-time football.他花了很长时间才在顶级足球联赛站稳脚跟柯林斯高阶〔blister〕She developed a blister on her heel where her shoe rubbed against it.她的脚跟被鞋磨出了水疱。韦氏高阶〔bunch up〕They were bunching up, almost treading upon each other's heels.他们几乎脚尖踩着脚跟地挤作一团。柯林斯高阶〔click〕Vogel clicked his heels (=hit the heels of his shoes together) and bowed.沃格尔后脚跟咔嗒一声并拢,鞠了个躬。朗文当代〔dig〕If anyone is to be dismissed, it won't be Jack; he's dug himself in too well.如果有人要被解雇,那不会是杰克;他已把脚跟站得很稳了。英汉大词典〔dog〕A dog was sniffing around my heels.一条狗在我的脚跟周围嗅来嗅去。牛津搭配〔entrenched〕These dictators have entrenched themselves politically and are difficult to move.这些独裁者在政治上已经站稳了脚跟,很难推翻他们。柯林斯高阶〔entrench〕These dictators have entrenched themselves politically and are difficult to move.这些独裁者在政治上已经站稳了脚跟, 很难推翻他们。外研社新世纪〔established〕She was just beginning to get established here.她刚开始在这里站稳脚跟麦克米伦高阶〔establish〕After three months we were well established in/at our new house/new jobs.三个月后我们在新家安顿了下来/新的工作中站稳了脚跟剑桥高阶〔establish〕He has just set up his own business but it will take him a while to get established.他刚建立起自己的公司,但要站稳脚跟还得花上一段时间。牛津高阶〔establish〕They want to establish their children in the family business.他们想让自己的子女在家族企业中站稳脚跟韦氏高阶〔find your feet〕They quickly found their feet in their adopted country.他们很快在收留他们的国家站稳脚跟韦氏高阶〔firmly〕The company, a household name in the States, has a firm foothold in the British market.这家美国国内家喻户晓的公司在英国市场上站稳了脚跟柯林斯高阶〔firm〕The company has a firm foothold in the British market.该公司在英国市场站稳了脚跟外研社新世纪〔firm〕The company now has a firm footing in the marketplace.现在这家公司在市场上已站稳了脚跟牛津高阶〔footframe〕A structural component in a shoe or boot consisting of a stiff midsole that extends back around the heel, designed to provide stability for the foot.鞋撑:设计用来增益脚的稳定性,向后延伸包覆脚跟包含坚硬中底在内的鞋靴结构原件美国传统〔foothold〕Companies must establish a firm foothold in Europe.各公司必须在欧洲站稳脚跟外研社新世纪〔foothold〕The company has a firm foothold in this market.公司在这个市场已经站稳了脚跟牛津搭配〔foothold〕They have managed to gain a foothold in the South American market.他们设法在南美市场站稳了脚跟麦克米伦高阶〔footing〕I slipped and struggled to regain my footing.我滑了一下,但挣扎着站稳了脚跟牛津高阶〔footing〕Seb struggled to keep his footing on the slippery path.塞勃努力在溜滑的小道上站稳脚跟朗文当代〔footing〕The sand no longer gave men a secure footing.沙子已让人无法站稳脚跟外研社新世纪〔foot〕I don't know anyone in England but I am sure I will manage when I find my feet.我在英格兰不认识什么人,但是我相信自己一旦站稳脚跟就可以独当一面。柯林斯高阶〔foot〕Once he had found his feet he was able to deal with any problem.他一站稳脚跟, 就能处理任何问题了。外研社新世纪〔grind〕Ushiba ground his cigarette beneath his heel.牛场用脚跟碾碎了香烟。外研社新世纪〔hanker〕I hankered after a floor-length brown suede coat.我渴望有一件长及脚跟的棕色绒面革大衣。柯林斯高阶〔heel-and-toe〕Characterized by a stride in which the heel of one foot touches ground before the toe of the other foot is lifted, as in walking races.竞走的:特点为行走时一只脚之脚跟先着地,另一只脚之脚趾部才抬离地面,如竞走比赛之情形美国传统〔heel〕She caught her heel and tripped on the step.她脚跟绊了一下,在台阶上打了个趔趄。牛津搭配〔heel〕The built-up portion of a shoe or boot, supporting the heel.鞋后跟:鞋或靴支撑脚跟部分的组合部分美国传统〔heel〕The officer clicked his heels together and saluted.军官咔嗒一声并拢脚跟,敬了个礼。牛津搭配〔heel〕The rounded posterior portion of the human foot under and behind the ankle.踵,脚跟:人踝关节后下部分的脚的后部呈圆形的部分美国传统〔ingrained〕His ankles and heels were ingrained with ancient dirt.他的踝节部和脚跟处尽是陈年积垢。英汉大词典〔inwards〕Keeping your heels on the ground, turn your feet inwards.脚跟不要离地,脚向内转。柯林斯高阶〔leg〕The firm is feeling its legs.这家公司开始站住脚跟了。英汉大词典〔mule〕A slipper that has no counter or strap to fit around the heel.拖鞋:脚跟处没有后帮或扳扣的拖鞋美国传统〔nastily〕My little granddaughter caught her heel in the spokes of her bicycle — it was a very nasty wound.我小孙女的脚跟夹到自行车的轮辐里了,伤得很严重。柯林斯高阶〔outward〕Stand with your heels together, toes pointing outward.脚跟并拢,脚趾向外站立。韦氏高阶〔pierce〕The thorn pierced his heel.那根刺刺入了他的脚跟英汉大词典〔pivot〕He pivoted on his heels and headed out.他脚跟一转,向外走去。剑桥高阶〔plant〕I firmly planted my feet and refused to move.我坚定地站稳脚跟,毫不移动。韦氏高阶〔rock〕He stood a few moments, rocking back and forwards on his heels.他站了一会儿,踮着脚跟前后摇晃。柯林斯高阶〔sling〕A strap of a shoe that fits over the heel.鞋带:装于脚跟处的鞋带美国传统〔snap〕The dogs snapped at his heels.那些狗咬他的脚跟外研社新世纪〔spike〕One of several sharp metal projections set in the sole or in the sole and heel of an athletic shoe for grip.鞋钉:装在运动鞋脚掌或脚跟与脚掌部位连接部位的几个尖利的金属突起物之一,用于防滑美国传统〔squat〕To sit in a crouching position with knees bent and the hams resting on or near the heels.蹲:弯着膝蹲坐,臀部贴着或接近脚跟美国传统〔toehold〕Family connections gave him a toehold in politics.家族关系使他在政治上站稳了脚跟英汉大词典〔turnout〕The rotation of a dancer's legs from the hip sockets in classical ballet.外开性:古典芭蕾中舞蹈演员两脚外开,脚跟并拢,两脚呈直线的姿式美国传统〔vorlage〕A posture assumed in skiing in which the skier leans forward from the ankles, usually without lifting the heels.前倾:滑雪中的一种姿式,滑雪者从踝部向前倾,通常不提脚跟美国传统A great dog lay at her heels, its tongue lolling out of its mouth.一条大狗躺在她的脚跟旁,它的舌头伸出在外。剑桥国际Place your heel on the ground before your toes.让脚跟先于脚尖着地。剑桥国际She got badly spiked (= sharp points were forced into her) when one of the other runners trod on her heel.当另一个跑步选手踩在她脚跟上时,她被严重刺伤了。剑桥国际Soldiers click their heels (=bring them sharply together) when they stand to attention.士兵们立正时两脚跟喀嚓一声并拢。剑桥国际The company is hoping to establish a toehold in the American market.这家公司希望在美国市场站稳脚跟牛津商务The shoe had rubbed a raw place on her heel.鞋子在她脚跟上擦痛了一处。剑桥国际We only just started up the business last year so we haven't really gained a foothold in the market yet.我们去年刚刚开始做起这生意,所以还没有在市场上站稳脚跟剑桥国际

