
单词 蔑视的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔THINK〕They maintained an attitude of defiance to social conventions. 他们对社会规范持蔑视的态度。朗文写作活用〔air〕She looked at him with a defiant air.她用蔑视的神情望着他。牛津高阶〔cynicism〕A scornful, bitterly mocking comment or act.讥嘲的言辞,讥嘲的行为:蔑视的、尖酸刻薄的言辞或行为美国传统〔defiance〕She spoke with a tone of defiance.她带着一种蔑视的口吻讲话。麦克米伦高阶〔depreciatory〕Disparaging; belittling.轻视的;蔑视的美国传统〔enter〕A note of defiance entered her voice.她的声音里带有蔑视的口气。牛津高阶〔flout〕A contemptuous action or remark; an insult.蔑视:蔑视的行为或言谈;侮辱美国传统〔purge〕Law To clear (a person) of a charge or an imputation. Often used with respect to contempt of court.【法律】 开脱:使(某人)开脱罪责或怪罪。常用于对法庭蔑视的尊敬美国传统〔rebellion〕An act or a show of defiance toward an authority or established convention.反抗,对抗:对权威或已被接受的传统习惯蔑视的行为或表现美国传统〔sneer〕A scornful facial expression characterized by a slight raising of one corner of the upper lip.嘲笑:一种表示蔑视的面部表情,其特点是上嘴角向上微翘美国传统〔sovereign〕They looked at him in sovereign contempt.他们用极度蔑视的眼光望着他。英汉大词典〔thumb〕To express scorn or ridicule by or as if by placing the thumb on the nose and wiggling the fingers.作蔑视的手势:把或似把拇指放在鼻子上并摆动其它手指以表示批评或嘲弄美国传统〔wop〕Used as a disparaging term for an Italian.意大利人,意大利后裔:用作对于意大利人的蔑视的字眼美国传统The artist looked at her with scorn. 艺术家以蔑视的眼光看著她。译典通

