
单词 用上
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFERENT〕If you put all your savings towards the cost of a bike, your Dad and I will pay the difference. 如果你用上了全部积蓄买自行车,那么差额由我和你爸来付。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕With care, a mahogany dining table will last you a lifetime. 红木餐桌如果小心使用可以用上一辈子。朗文写作活用〔LIFE〕A good tool should last a lifetime. 好的工具可以用上一辈子。朗文写作活用〔Latinism〕His writing is very stilted and contains many Latinisms.他的文字很做作,并用上许多拉丁语汇。英汉大词典〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕He was very frugal, and would often use a tea bag three or four times over. 他非常节约,一个茶包可以用上三四次。朗文写作活用〔UP〕Gliders use thermal up-currents to gain height. 滑翔机利用上升的热气流逐渐升高。朗文写作活用〔abuse〕She was subjected to every term of abuse her boss could think of.她遭到了老板的辱骂,老板把能想到的骂人话都用上了。韦氏高阶〔amount〕This summer no amount of skill and fertilizer could persuade plants to grow.今年夏天即使用上再多的技术和肥料也没法使植物茁壮成长。英汉大词典〔anthropomorphic〕When we speak of the eye of a needle, we use an anthropomorphic metaphor.当我们把针孔说成针眼时就是用上了一个拟人化的譬喻。英汉大词典〔arrow〕You can scroll through the text using the up and down arrow keys.你可以利用上下箭头键来翻看 ( 计算机屏幕上的 ) 整个文本。牛津搭配〔available〕All available resources were used.所有可利用的资源都用上了。韦氏高阶〔available〕All the available money has been used.手头所有的钱都用上了。英汉大词典〔ball〕A game, especially baseball, played with such an object.投球比赛:一种用上述物体所进行的比赛,尤指棒球美国传统〔band-aid solution〕Tax credits given to students are merely a band-aid solution to the rising cost of getting an education.减免学生的课税只是应对教育费用上涨的一个权宜之计。剑桥高阶〔bear〕Fares have gone up, perhaps to more than the market will bear.费用上涨了,而且可能超出了市场的承受能力。朗文当代〔blackmailer〕The tactics employed can range from overt bullying to subtle emotional blackmail.从公然威吓到微妙的情感胁迫,各种战术都用上了。柯林斯高阶〔bonus〕He promised to take me to the match with the added bonus of an afternoon off school.他答应带我去看比赛,还可以请假一个下午不用上学。朗文当代〔camerawork〕The director employs sensuous, atmospheric camerawork and deft dramatic touches.导演在镜头运用上既富有美感又渲染了气氛,戏剧手法的运用也娴熟自如。柯林斯高阶〔coat〕To provide or cover with a coat.用上衣盖上:提供或披上外衣美国传统〔cost〕Now people can access the Internet at minimal cost.现在人们可以以极低的费用上网。牛津搭配〔cut〕The recipe calls for a good lean cut of beef.菜谱要求用上好的精瘦牛肉块。牛津搭配〔deal〕I spent the morning dealing with my emails.我用上午的时间来处理电子邮件。麦克米伦高阶〔doubtful〕It's doubtful whether the car will last another year.这辆汽车未必还能用上一年。牛津高阶〔drop〕He casually drops the latest buzzwords into the conversation.他在谈话中无意间用上了最新的时髦词语。牛津搭配〔dust〕The report has barely had time to gather dust.那份报告不久就用上了。英汉大词典〔ease〕He would have to be eased into resigning.要他辞职非得用上点手腕不可。英汉大词典〔eat up〕Rising costs were eating up most of the profits.费用上涨吞噬了大部分利润。外研社新世纪〔epithelialize〕To cover (a wound, for example) with epithelial tissue.用上皮组织覆盖(如伤口)美国传统〔flexibility〕This will give schools greater flexibility in their use of resources.这将使学校在资源利用上更加灵活。牛津搭配〔generator〕The factory's emergency generators were used during the power cut.工厂应急发电机在停电期间用上了。牛津高阶〔globalize〕To make global or worldwide in scope or application.使…全球性:使在范围或应用上成为全球性的或世界性的美国传统〔grain〕Have a grain of common sense,will you? 用上一点点常识好吗?英汉大词典〔hike〕The costs of daily consumer goods have been hiked at two times.日用消费品的费用上涨了两倍。21世纪英汉〔hold〕The tank should hold enough to last us a few days.油箱应该存油够多,足以让我们用上几天。朗文当代〔illumination〕An example of this art.装饰:使用上述艺术方式的例子美国传统〔increase〕Retirement planning often starts with projected cost-of-living increases.退休规划常常从生活费用上涨的估算开始。牛津搭配〔inflection〕She read the lines with an upward/rising inflection.她用上扬的语调念台词。韦氏高阶〔last〕This pen should last (you) a lifetime if you take care of it.如果注意爱护,这支钢笔可以用上一辈子。剑桥高阶〔lifting body〕An aircraft or a spacecraft that has no wings and gains lift by the action of aerodynamic forces on its body.航空航天器:一种无翼飞机或航天飞机,依靠对机体的空气动力作用上美国传统〔luxury〕A day off work is such a luxury.休息一天不用上班简直是一种奢侈。剑桥高阶〔make〕I'll make out with this old car for another year.这辆旧汽车我打算凑合着再用上1年。英汉大词典〔maybe〕Maybe it will snow tonight and school will be cancelled.今晚也许会下雪,那样就不用上学了。麦克米伦高阶〔means〕We need to use every means at our disposal.我们必须把我们所能采用的各种方法都用上剑桥高阶〔merino〕A knitted fabric made from this yarn.用上述线织成的织物美国传统〔must〕She doesn’t have to work at weekends.她周末不用上班。牛津高阶〔mute〕The song features muted trumpets.这首歌的伴奏中用上了装了弱音器的小号。剑桥高阶〔nail〕Something resembling a nail in shape, sharpness, or use.钉状物:在形状、锋利度或应用上类似指甲的东西美国传统〔off〕You can even snatch a few hours off, and perhaps negotiate the occasional night off too.你甚至可以抽空休息几小时,商量一下的话没准还能偶尔不用上晚班。柯林斯高阶〔oodles〕The recipe calls for oodles of melted chocolate.这道食谱要用上大量熔好的巧克力。柯林斯高阶〔pivot〕His argument will pivot on the growing cost of legal fees.他的论据将以诉讼费用上涨为中心展开。朗文当代〔più〕More. Used to qualify an adjective or another adverb in directions.更:更。在使用上限定形容词或另一副词美国传统〔prediction〕Skilled readers make use of context and prediction.阅读能力强的人会利用上下文及推测来理解文意。牛津高阶〔quality〕Use only high quality ingredients.只使用上等的配料。朗文当代〔release from〕Students were released from classes.学生们不用上课了。外研社新世纪〔release〕We were released from our classes in order to take part in the celebration.为了参加庆典,我们可以不用上课。麦克米伦高阶〔right〕I want to see you use your right a lot more in this round.我希望在这个回合中看到你多多用上右手。英汉大词典〔scroll〕Use the up and down arrows to scroll the list.使用上下箭头键来滚动清单。外研社新世纪〔soaring〕The act of gliding while maintaining altitude, especially the sport of flying a heavier-than-air craft by using ascending currents of air.滑翔:保持高度滑行的动作,尤指利用上升气流使比空气重的飞机飞行美国传统〔sparing〕Given to or marked by prudence and restraint in the use of material resources.节俭的:在物质资源的使用上谨慎的和有节制的,或有此特征的美国传统〔stooping〕They've stooped to using any and every weapon at their disposal.他们已经无耻到把能用的武器都用上了。柯林斯高阶〔stretch〕I had enough supplies for six months which I could stretch to eight if need be.我有够6个月用的生活用品,如果必要的话,我可以节俭地用上8个月。英汉大词典〔supple〕The leather is supple and sturdy enough to last for years.该皮革柔软而结实,足以用上数年。柯林斯高阶〔suppose〕We'd love to come and see you on Saturday, supposing (= if) I don't have to work that day.如果我星期六不用上班的话,我们会来看你。剑桥高阶〔tactile〕The children are very tactile with warm, loving natures.小孩子说话时喜欢用上热烈、表达喜爱的肢体触碰。柯林斯高阶〔tag〕He could hardly open his mouth without using one or other of his tags.他一开口就免不了用上这个或那个用惯了的词语。英汉大词典〔tap into sth〕If only we could tap into all that energy and creativity.如果我们能够用上那些精力和创意就好了。剑桥高阶〔thermal〕Birds use thermals to lift them through the air.鸟类利用上升热气流升入空中。柯林斯高阶〔through〕Rabbits still manage to find a way in. I am sure that some have even taken to gnawing through the metal.兔子还是找到办法进去了。我敢断定,有些兔子甚至已经用上了咬断金属的办法。柯林斯高阶〔tool〕He used his boss's absence as a tool for gaining influence.他利用上司外出的机会来扩大权势。英汉大词典〔turn〕I didn't need my umbrella, as it turned out(= because it didn't rain).我果然没用上我的伞。牛津高阶〔user〕One who uses addictive drugs.吸毒成瘾者:服用上瘾药物的人美国传统〔use〕I kept hoping to find a use for it.我一直希望能用上它。麦克米伦高阶〔veneer〕Only the finest timbers and veneers are used.只用上好的木料和饰面板。柯林斯高阶〔vine〕Every square metre of soil was used, mainly for olives, vines, and almonds.每一寸土地都利用上了, 主要用来种植橄榄树、葡萄藤和扁桃树。外研社新世纪〔vine〕Every square metre of soil was used, mainly for olives, vines, and almonds.每一寸土地都利用上了,主要用来种植橄榄树、葡萄藤和杏树。柯林斯高阶〔walker〕She eventually used a cane, then a walker, and finally was confined to the house.结果她拄上了拐杖,后来又用上了助行架,最后连房门都出不了了。柯林斯高阶〔weekend〕I spent the last rainy weekend cleaning the kitchen.我利用上一个下雨的周末打扫了厨房的卫生。牛津搭配〔wheedle〕Cross decided to beg and wheedle a bit.克罗斯决定用上点恳求和哄劝。外研社新世纪〔wish〕I wish I didn't have to go to work today.但愿我今天不用上班。朗文当代〔work〕I'm not working tomorrow—the boss gave me the day off.我明天不用上班——老板放了我一天假。韦氏高阶〔yippee〕No school for five weeks - yippee! 5个星期不用上学——好哇!剑桥高阶Even bringing into play all the resources and staff available would not be likely to help resolve the immediate shortfall in production.即便是把所有的资源和人力都用上,也不可能解决迫切的产量下降的问题。剑桥国际He cursed me, using a lot of rude epithets. 他用上许多粗鲁的修饰词来诅咒我。译典通High spending councils have all been rate/charge capped.人们对所有花费高的议会在费用上进行了限制。剑桥国际Insurance companies blame rising medical bills for high policy costs.保险公司指责高额保险单的医疗费用上涨。剑桥国际Interest expenses rose almost 10%.利息费用上升将近 10%。牛津商务It might be better to use dubbin rather than polish on your walking boots.对于你的走路靴子,用上光剂倒不如用护革油。剑桥国际It was something of a hollow victory--she won the case but lost all her savings in legal fees.这是无价值的胜利----她赢得了诉讼,但把所有的积蓄都花在了法律费用上剑桥国际Many nurses find themselves given menial tasks, such as making beds and washing patients, which make little use of their skills.许多护士发现给她们的是些卑微的工作,比如铺床、给病人洗澡,这些工作几乎没有用上她们的技能。剑桥国际Salespeople can pressure you with bait-and-switch tactics unless you know what to look out for.除非你小心提防,否则推销人员会用上钩调包的策略引诱你。牛津商务The cost of car insurance is up (= has increased), but not very much.车辆保险费用上涨了, 但不太多。剑桥国际The law will apply equally to men and women except in the case of (=in situations of) maternity leave.除了在产假上,这种法律在运用上对男女是平等的。剑桥国际We'll have to carry on with this television set for a while, even though it doesn't work very well.尽管电视机不太好,我们不得不凑合着用上一阵子。剑桥国际You'll have to spend a small fortune in legal fees if you decide to sue for compensation.如果你决定起诉要求赔偿,你将在法律费用上支付大量的钱。剑桥国际

