
单词 看上去很健康
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HEALTHY/UNHEALTHY〕In spite of all her complaints, Jilly looked the picture of health. 吉莉尽管有很多小毛病,但看上去很健康朗文写作活用〔HEALTHY/UNHEALTHY〕The baby lay in her father's arms, a picture of health and contentment. 那婴儿躺在她父亲的怀里,看上去很健康,很满足。朗文写作活用〔HEALTHY/UNHEALTHY〕Two healthy-looking suntanned kids were playing in the driveway. 两个看上去很健康、皮肤晒得黑黑的孩子正在车道上玩耍。朗文写作活用〔experiment〕The animals seemed healthy during the experiment.实验期间,动物看上去很健康牛津搭配〔much〕The children never eat (very) much, but they seem healthy.孩子们吃得不多,但他们看上去很健康剑桥高阶〔ruddy〕Her face was ruddy and healthy-looking.她面色红润,看上去很健康剑桥高阶She was looking quite healthy on Friday, but she suffered a relapse over the weekend and was taken back into intensive care.星期五她看上去很健康,但周末她旧病复发,被送回去进行特别护理。剑桥国际The children never eat (very) much, but they seem quite healthy.孩子们从不多吃,但他们看上去很健康剑桥国际You look very fit, Mike. 麦克,你看上去很健康译典通You look very healthy -- it must be all that clean living.你看上去很健康----一定是因为纯洁的生活。剑桥国际

