
单词 组织性
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHARACTER〕It's difficult to be part of a highly organized group such as the armed forces without losing some of your individuality. 要使自己融入到军队等组织性极强的团体中去,同时又不失去自己的一些个性是很难的。朗文写作活用〔assimilation〕Physiology The conversion of nutriments into living tissue; constructive metabolism.【生理学】 同化作用:把营养结构转变成活组织;组织性新陈代谢美国传统〔exception〕With a few exceptions there is little organized child care.除了少数特例外, 现在几乎没有任何有组织性的儿童看护服务。外研社新世纪〔hit-or-miss〕Marked by a lack of care, accuracy, or organization; random.漫无目的的:缺乏谨慎、精确或组织性的;随意的美国传统〔organization〕In the demonstration against wage freeze, spontaneity soon gave way to organization.在反对冻结工资的游行示威中,组织性很快取代了自发性。英汉大词典〔unpardonable〕He displays an unpardonable lack of discipline.他展现出来的无组织性, 令人不能原谅。外研社新世纪The Germans, as a nation, are often thought to be well organized.德国人常被认为是一个组织性强的民族。剑桥国际

