
单词 重逢
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANCE〕I only met her again through a fortunate accident. 幸运的是,我无意中又与她重逢朗文写作活用〔all〕It was great to see him again after all these years.这么多年后与他重逢,真是太好了。韦氏高阶〔close〕The movie closes with an emotional reunion in Prague.影片以在布拉格重逢的激动场面结束。朗文当代〔cross〕We didn't cross paths again until 2001.我们直到 2001 年才重逢朗文当代〔enchanted〕He was enchanted to see her again after so long.与她久别重逢,他欣喜不已。牛津高阶〔festive〕The reunion will be a festive occasion.这次重逢将会是值得庆祝的时刻。韦氏高阶〔freak〕Meeting my dad again after all these years really freaked me out.经过这些年后与爸爸重逢,真的使我极度兴奋。麦克米伦高阶〔fuzzy〕Seeing her again after all these years gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling.这么多年后与她重逢给我一种温馨愉快的感觉。韦氏高阶〔hiatus〕They talked like two friends who had met after a long hiatus.他们谈得像一对久别重逢的朋友。英汉大词典〔joyful〕He was joyful to see his son again.与儿子重逢他很高兴。英汉大词典〔kin〕It's good to see kin people again.亲人重逢真叫人高兴。英汉大词典〔knit up〕Our reunion knits up the old friendship.我们的重逢使我们恢复了往日的友谊。21世纪英汉〔long-lost〕For me it was like meeting a long-lost sister. We talked, and talked, and talked.对我来说就像久别的姐妹重逢一样。我们聊呀聊呀,话总是说不完。柯林斯高阶〔magic〕It was a magic moment when the two sisters were reunited after 30 years.*30 年后姐妹俩重逢,就像做梦一样。牛津高阶〔mixed〕I had mixed feelings about meeting Laura again.和劳拉重逢我百感交集。朗文当代〔reunion〕It was an emotional reunion.这是一次令人激动的重逢外研社新世纪〔reunion〕She had a tearful reunion with her parents at the airport.她和父母在机场重逢,流下了眼泪。剑桥高阶〔reunite〕She was reunited with her son.她得以和儿子重逢韦氏高阶〔reunite〕The police reunited her with her son.警方使她与儿子重逢韦氏高阶〔thrill〕It gave me a real thrill to see her again after so many years.这么多年以后与她重逢,着实令我激动。剑桥高阶It gave me a real thrill to see her again after so many years.那么多年后与她重逢,着实使我激动。剑桥国际Maybe someday you'll both meet again.有朝一日你们也许会重逢的。剑桥国际She had a firm conviction that they would meet again in the hereafter.她深信他们会在死后重逢剑桥国际Someday or (an)other we'll meet again.我们会在某一天重逢剑桥国际The old friends hugged when they met. 老朋友重逢时紧紧拥抱。译典通The two men spent much of the time at the reunion reminiscing about the war, as old soldiers are wont to (do).像老兵习惯做的那样,这两个人将重逢的大部分时间都花在了对战争的回忆上。剑桥国际

