
单词 通过考试
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACTUALLY〕He failed his tests, but he's quite a bright guy, really. 他没有通过考试,但他是个很聪明的家伙,真的。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕If you stick at it, I'm sure you'll pass your examinations. 如果你不断努力,我相信你会通过考试的。朗文写作活用〔EXCEPT〕I think they should all pass the test, with the possible exception of Fauzi. 我想可能除了福齐之外,他们都能通过考试朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕You either pass and get your degree or flunk out. 你要么通过考试拿到学位,要么就退学回家。朗文写作活用〔FAULT〕Marie failed the exam, but it was her own fault - she didn't do any work. 玛丽未通过考试,但那是她自己不好—她什么功课也不做。朗文写作活用〔FRIENDLY〕Sucking up to the teacher doesn't mean you'll pass your exams. 拍老师马屁并不能保证你会通过考试朗文写作活用〔I shudder to think〕I shudder to think what my parents will say when I tell them I've failed my exams.我真不敢想告诉父母自己没有通过考试他们会怎么说。剑桥高阶〔TEMPORARY〕You have to get a provisional licence until you pass your test. 在通过考试之前,你要去办一张临时驾驶执照。朗文写作活用〔admonish〕Her teacher admonished her to work harder for her exams.她的老师劝告她想通过考试就要更努力地学习。剑桥高阶〔apply〕You would pass your exams if you applied yourself.努力学习就会通过考试牛津高阶〔assuming〕I hope to go to college next year, always assuming I pass my exams.我希望明年上大学,当然是在我通过考试的前提下。牛津高阶〔attitude〕If you want to pass your exams you'd better change your attitude! 你若想通过考试就最好改变你的态度!牛津高阶〔before〕You have to pass a test before you can get a licence.你得通过考试才能拿到驾驶执照。朗文当代〔before〕You'll have to pass your exams before you become a doctor.要成为一名医生, 你必须先通过考试外研社新世纪〔breathe〕I could breathe again after passing the exam.通过考试之后, 我终于放心了。外研社新世纪〔calculate〕I told him that his child would pass the examination without question. But he didn't calculate so.我告诉他他的孩子将毫无疑问会通过考试的,但他不以为然。21世纪英汉〔case〕In her case, she failed the exam because she wasn't well.就她的情况来说,她是因为身体不好而没有通过考试牛津搭配〔celebrate〕Jake's passed his exams. We're going out to celebrate.杰克已通过考试,我们要外出庆祝一下。牛津高阶〔certain〕After all his hard work, he's certain to pass his exams.凭他这么用功,一定会通过考试的。剑桥高阶〔chance〕She has every chance of passing the exam if she works hard.如果她努力就肯定能通过考试牛津搭配〔chance〕She has only a slim chance of passing the exam.她通过考试的希望很渺茫。牛津高阶〔chance〕You'd have a better chance/more chance of passing your exams if you worked a bit harder.你要是再用功一点,通过考试的可能性会大一些。剑桥高阶〔cheat〕He cheated to pass the exam.他以作弊来通过考试英汉大词典〔cheer〕So let's give a cheer to the kids who passed their exams.那么让我们为通过考试的孩子们喝彩吧。朗文当代〔consolation〕It was some consolation to know that no one else had passed the test.得知其他人都没有通过考试,这让人略感安慰。麦克米伦高阶〔ease〕Anne was capable of passing her exams with ease.安妮有能力轻松通过考试外研社新世纪〔ease〕Anne was intelligent and capable of passing her exams with ease.安妮很聪明,能够轻松通过考试柯林斯高阶〔excepted〕Everybody passed the exam, Tom excepted [not excepted].每一个人都通过考试,除了汤姆以外[汤姆也不例外]。文馨英汉〔extra〕You're going to have to work extra hard to pass the exam.你要格外用功才能通过考试朗文当代〔fig〕He did not give a fig about passing exams.他一点儿也不在乎能否通过考试外研社新世纪〔first〕I want to get a job, but first I have to pass my exams.我想找份工作, 但得先通过考试外研社新世纪〔frank〕To be frank with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.坦诚相告,我认为你的儿子不大可能通过考试牛津高阶〔gain〕Passing exams is no longer enough to gain a place at university.现在要想进入大学学习, 光通过考试已经不够了。外研社新世纪〔gat;got〕He's got to pass the test.他必须通过考试21世纪英汉〔get ... up〕You will have to get up your English if you want to pass the exam.如果你想通过考试,就必须学好英语。21世纪英汉〔get through〕The extra hours of study are what got her through her exams.增加学习时间是她通过考试的关键。韦氏高阶〔get〕It's a very exclusive school and you have to pass an exam to get in.这是一所限制甚严的学校,只有通过考试才可入学。麦克米伦高阶〔glad〕I'm glad about your passing the examination.我为你通过考试感到高兴。文馨英汉〔go through〕He has gone through the examination.他已通过考试21世纪英汉〔good〕Good news – I've passed my exam!好消息——我通过考试了!外研社新世纪〔grant〕He just took it for granted that he would pass the exam.他还想当然地认为自己能通过考试呢。朗文当代〔guarantee〕Our tutors can virtually guarantee to get you through the exams.我们的导师基本上能确保你通过考试麦克米伦高阶〔guarantee〕You should pass the test first time, but we can't guarantee it.你第一次应当会通过考试,但我们不能打包票。麦克米伦高阶〔hard〕I'm not surprised he failed his exam - he didn't exactly try very hard! 他没通过考试我一点都不感到奇怪——他根本就没用功。剑桥高阶〔hear〕Have you heard? Lucy passed her exam.你知道吗?露西通过考试了。麦克米伦高阶〔honest〕To be frank with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.坦白说,我认为你的儿子不大可能通过考试牛津高阶〔if〕If you had worked harder, you would have passed your exams.要是你再努力一点,就会通过考试了。朗文当代〔jump on〕His father jumped on him for failure in the exam.他父亲因他没通过考试而对他大加责备。21世纪英汉〔keep sb at it〕We need to keep her at it if she's going to pass the final exam.如果她想通过考试,我们必须让她继续努力。剑桥高阶〔less〕No less than half the students failed the test.至少有一半学生没有通过考试韦氏高阶〔magic〕There is no magic formula for passing exams—only hard work.根本没有通过考试的魔法,唯一的方法就是勤奋学习。牛津高阶〔make a joke of sth〕He tried to make a joke of the fact that he hadn't passed the test.他没有通过考试,他试图对此一笑了之。剑桥高阶〔manage〕She never studies but always manages to pass her tests.她从来不学习,但总是能顺利通过考试韦氏高阶〔minimum〕He's always done the minimum possible to pass his exams.他用功一向只求通过考试牛津搭配〔obviously〕Do you want to pass the exam?—Obviously!你想通过考试吗?——当然想啦!外研社新世纪〔pass〕The examiners will only pass you if they feel that you have done the work properly.只有考官认为你把工作做好了他们才会让你通过考试朗文当代〔practice〕With a little more practice you should be able to pass your test.稍微再练一练,你应该能通过考试了。朗文当代〔prayer〕Her prayer was that she would pass her exams.她的愿望就是能通过考试朗文当代〔prejudice〕Your illegible handwriting will prejudice your chances of passing the exam.书写不清会影响你通过考试英汉大词典〔promise〕Her parents promised her a new car if she passed her exams.她父母答应如果她通过考试就送她一辆新车。剑桥高阶〔push〕The school manages to push most of its students through their exams.该校设法使大多数学生通过考试剑桥高阶〔put ... through〕Did he put all his students through the examination?他使他的学生都通过考试了吗?21世纪英汉〔reconcile yourself to sth〕She must reconcile herself to the fact that she must do some work if she wants to pass her exams.她必须接受这样一个事实: 要想通过考试,就必须下点工夫学习。剑桥高阶〔romp through sth〕Rory expected to romp through the test and interviews.罗里希望轻松地通过考试和面试。剑桥高阶〔s/he〕A student may retake the exam if s/he does not pass first time.如果第一次没有通过考试,可以补考。麦克米伦高阶〔safely〕I think we can safely assume that she will pass the exam.我想我们可以肯定她会通过考试朗文当代〔sigh〕He sighed with/in relief when he saw that he passed the test.看到自己通过考试后,他舒了一口气。韦氏高阶〔slip〕He seems sure that he will pass the examination, but there's many a slip.他看来对通过考试很有把握,不过凡事很难有十拿九稳的。英汉大词典〔small〕A much smaller number of students passed than I had expected.通过考试的学生比我预计的少得多。牛津高阶〔stand〕She stands a good chance of passing her exam if she works hard.她努力学习的话,通过考试的希望很大。剑桥高阶〔system〕Under the new system, students will have to pass an exam to graduate.在新体制下,学生们需要通过考试才能毕业。韦氏高阶〔trust in〕I trust in his ability to pass the examination.我相信他有能力通过考试21世纪英汉〔trust〕I do trust you will pass the examination.我确实希望你能通过考试21世纪英汉〔unheard-of〕It's unheard-of to pass the examination so young.如此年轻即通过考试实无先例。英汉大词典〔when〕How did you pass the exam when you'd not worked for it?你都没有下功夫, 怎么可能通过考试外研社新世纪〔whiz〕She whizzed through the exam.她轻松通过考试韦氏高阶After all his hard work, he's certain to pass his exams.凭他这么用功,一定会通过考试的。剑桥国际Fortunately it won't make an awful lot of difference if I don't pass the test.幸运的是,即使我没通过考试问题也不太大。剑桥国际He breezed through the test. 他轻轻松松地通过考试译典通He is confident of passing the examination. 他有信心通过考试译典通He is quite confident that he will pass the examination. 他很有信心通过考试译典通He passed the exam by a narrow margin. 他勉强通过考试译典通I shudder to think what my parents will say when I tell them I've failed my exams.我不寒而栗地想着当告诉父母我没有通过考试时,他们将怎么说。剑桥国际I was relieved to hear that I'd passed my exams.听到通过考试的消息我松了口气。剑桥国际I'm not surprised he failed his exam--he didn't exactly try very hard! 我一点也不惊奇他没能通过考试----他根本不努力。剑桥国际If you want to pass your exams, you'll have to concentrate (your efforts) on your listening skills.如果你想通过考试的话,就得集中力量提高听力技巧。剑桥国际Mary coasted through her exams. 玛丽顺利通过考试译典通Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 通过考试的学生将升到高一个年级去。译典通Rory expected to romp through the test and interviews (= succeed in them without any effort).罗里希望轻而易举地通过考试与面试。剑桥国际She fondly imagined that she could pass her exam without working. 她天真地幻想她不用功也能通过考试译典通She got through her exams without too much trouble.她没多大麻烦就通过考试了。剑桥国际She reasoned with her sons that they needed to work harder if they were going to pass their exams.她劝告儿子们,他们要通过考试的话得更用功。剑桥国际She stands a good chance of passing her exam if she works hard.如果她学习用功的话,她很有机会通过考试剑桥国际Spare my feelings and stop talking about people failing exams! 别让我伤心,不要再谈论没通过考试的人!剑桥国际The book contains sample questions and answers, which will help you to pass the exam.这本书里有问题和答案的样本,能帮助你通过考试剑桥国际The school has an impressive/strong track record in getting its students through examinations.这所学校在帮助学生通过考试方面有令人钦佩的/巨大的成绩。剑桥国际The school manages to push most of its students through their exams.学校设法促使大多数学生通过考试剑桥国际They celebrated passing their exams with a party. 他们举行了一个晚会庆祝通过考试剑桥国际When she passed the exam at last she was beside herself with joy.当她终于通过考试时,她欣喜若狂。剑桥国际You'd have a better chance/more chance of passing your exams if you worked a bit harder.你要是更用功一点,通过考试的可能性会更大。剑桥国际

