
单词 睡袋
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕I have a tent and a sleeping-bag, and Ben said he'd lend me everything else I need for the camping trip. 我有一个帐篷和一个睡袋。本说,我野营还需要什么其他东西他都会借给我。朗文写作活用〔COLD〕I was shivering in my thin sleeping bag. 我在薄薄的睡袋里冷得直打哆嗦。!朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕We used to cut up worn blankets to make sleeping bags for the children. 我们过去常剪裁破毛毯做成小孩的睡袋朗文写作活用〔FASTEN/UNFASTEN〕My sleeping bag was fully zipped up. 我的睡袋全部拉上了。朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕Bring a sleeping bag with you, because we're going to sleep out and walk back tomorrow. 你带一个睡袋,因为我们要睡在户外,明天再走回来。朗文写作活用〔USEFUL〕For mountain-climbing a really good sleeping-bag is indispensable. 优质的睡袋对于登山是必不可少的。朗文写作活用〔army〕She had an army surplus sleeping bag.她有一个睡袋,是军用的。牛津搭配〔a〕Bring a sleeping bag.带个睡袋吧。外研社新世纪〔a〕Bring a sleeping bag.带只睡袋柯林斯高阶〔bedroll〕A portable roll of bedding used especially by campers and others who sleep outdoors.睡袋:可卷起的便于携带的被褥,常由野营者或其他露宿的人使用美国传统〔bunting〕A snug-fitting, hooded sleeping bag of heavy material for infants.婴儿睡袋:婴儿用的,用很厚的布料做的合身的,连在外套上的睡袋美国传统〔campground〕With backpacks and sleeping bags they checked into a campground for the night.他们携着背包和睡袋到一家露营园办好了住夜登记手续。英汉大词典〔camp〕The men are camping on the pavement in sleeping bags.男人们用睡袋在人行道上露营。外研社新世纪〔cocoon〕We were comfortably cocooned in our sleeping bags.我们有睡袋裹着,非常舒服。韦氏高阶〔cocoon〕We were warm and safe, cocooned in our sleeping bags.我们在睡袋里睡觉,暖和又安全。牛津高阶〔concretely〕They had lain on sleeping bags on the concrete floor.他们就躺在铺在混凝土地面上的睡袋上。柯林斯高阶〔concrete〕They had lain on sleeping bags on the concrete floor.他们一度躺在铺在混凝土地面的睡袋上。外研社新世纪〔condition〕In cold conditions you'll need a sleeping bag with a hood.在寒冷的天气情况下,你需要一个带头套的睡袋朗文当代〔et cetera〕He brought a tent, sleeping bag, etc., when he came to visit.他来拜访时,带了帐篷、睡袋等东西。韦氏高阶〔freeze〕Without a sleeping bag, you would freeze to death (= become so cold that you die) out there on the mountainside.在山坡那儿,没有睡袋你会被冻死。剑桥高阶〔impedimenta〕We were weighed down with sleeping bags, gas cookers and pans - all the impedimenta of camping.我们背上压着睡袋、煤气灶和平底锅——都是些野营少不了的包袱。剑桥高阶〔inside out〕He turned his sleeping bag inside out and shook it.他把睡袋里子翻出来并抖了抖。麦克米伦高阶〔kip down〕Perhaps he could bring his sleeping bag and kip down on the floor?或许他可以带着他的睡袋睡在地板上?外研社新世纪〔kit〕Our kit consists of rucksacks, sleeping-bags, and a stove.我们的装备包括帆布背包、睡袋和一只炉子。外研社新世纪〔mat〕Bring a sleeping bag and foam mat.带上睡袋和泡沫垫。外研社新世纪〔mat〕Bring a sleeping bag and foam mat.带上睡袋和泡沫垫。柯林斯高阶〔mummy bag〕A sleeping bag that is tapered at the ends to conserve additional heat.木乃伊袋:尾端变细以保持温暖的睡袋美国传统〔nestle down〕He had nestled down in the sleeping-bag when I came back.我回来的时候,他已经舒舒服服地睡在了睡袋里面。21世纪英汉〔peep out〕A small head peeped out of the end of the sleeping bag.一个小脑袋从睡袋一头露出来。外研社新世纪〔psych〕She had psyched herself up so much for the camping trip that she forgot her sleeping bag.因为要出去野营,她特别地激动,以至于忘了带睡袋美国传统〔roll〕We rolled out our sleeping bags under the stars.我们在星空下把睡袋铺开。朗文当代〔sack〕Informal A bed, mattress, or sleeping bag.【非正式用语】 床,垫子,睡袋美国传统〔sell out〕Sleeping bags sold out almost immediately.睡袋几乎一眨眼就卖完了。柯林斯高阶〔sleeping bag〕A large, warmly lined, usually zippered bag for sleeping, especially outdoors.睡袋:一种用于睡眠的,加有暖和的衬里而且通常装有拉链的大袋子,尤指用于户外美国传统〔snuggle〕I snuggled down into my sleeping-bag.我蜷缩进睡袋里。麦克米伦高阶〔snuggle〕She snuggled into her sleeping bag and closed her eyes.她舒服地躺进睡袋,闭上了眼睛。牛津搭配〔soaked〕The sleeping bag was soaked by the rain.那个睡袋被雨水浸湿。文馨英汉〔try〕Always try a sleeping bag for size before you buy it.买睡袋之前一定要试试大小是否合适。朗文当代〔undress〕He took ages getting undressed and climbing into the sleeping bag.他花了很长时间脱衣服并钻进睡袋英汉大词典〔unroll〕I unrolled my sleeping bag as usual.我像往常一样铺开我的睡袋柯林斯高阶〔unroll〕I unrolled my sleeping bag.我铺开了自己的睡袋外研社新世纪〔unroll〕We unrolled our sleeping bags.我们打开了睡袋牛津高阶〔unroll〕When we arrived at the cabin, we unrolled our sleeping bags.到了小木屋后,我们打开睡袋韦氏高阶〔warm〕This sleeping bag is very warm.这条睡袋很暖和。牛津高阶〔warm〕You'll be as warm as toast in that sleeping bag.睡在那个睡袋里你会很暖和的。朗文当代〔wriggle〕He wriggled into his sleeping bag.他扭动身体钻进睡袋英汉大词典〔zip〕The children were safely zipped into their sleeping bags.孩子们都安安稳稳地躺在睡袋里,拉链也给他们拉好了。牛津高阶〔zip〕The sleeping bags can zip together.这些睡袋可用拉链连起来。牛津高阶〔zip〕The two sleeping bags can be zipped together to make a double.这两个睡袋可以用拉链拉起来合成一个双人睡袋朗文当代I had this sleeping bag which my mother had made from a space blanket. 我这个睡袋是我妈妈用太空毯改做的。译典通Our camping rig includes cooking pots and sleeping bags. 我们的野营装备包括锅子和睡袋译典通She had psyched herself up so much for the camping trip that she forgot her sleeping bag. 她因为露营兴奋得不得了,把睡袋都忘了。译典通We were weighed down with sleeping bags, gas cookers and pans--all the impedimenta of camping.我们背上压着睡袋、气灶和平底锅----都是些野营少不了的包袱。剑桥国际Without a tent or sleeping bag, you could freeze to death (=become so cold that you die) out there on the mountainside.在户外山腰,没有帐篷或睡袋你会冻死的。剑桥国际

