
单词 穿过人群
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACROSS〕I pushed my way through the crowd. 我推推挤挤穿过人群朗文写作活用〔PUSH〕She elbowed her way through the crowd. 她用肘推挤着穿过人群朗文写作活用〔WALK〕Edging my way through the crowd, I eventually managed to get to the bar. 我慢慢地穿过人群,终于来到了吧台前。朗文写作活用〔WATCH〕She watched the man with interest as he made his way through the crowd. 那个男人穿过人群时,她饶有兴趣地注视着他。朗文写作活用〔among〕He passed among the crowd.他穿过人群英汉大词典〔among〕She passed among the crowd.她穿过人群21世纪英汉〔aside〕He elbowed people aside as he moved through the crowd.他用胳膊肘把人推开,穿过人群韦氏高阶〔barge〕She barged her way through a crowd.她推推搡搡地穿过人群21世纪英汉〔by the hand〕I took him by the hand and led him through the crowd.我拉着他的手,带着他穿过人群韦氏高阶〔clasp〕She clasped her bag tightly as she walked through the crowd.穿过人群时,她紧紧地抓着自己的包。牛津搭配〔cleave〕The two policemen cleaved through the crowd and came to the scene of the accident.这两名警察穿过人群来到发生事故的现场。21世纪英汉〔cling〕The boy clung onto his mother's hand as they walked through the crowd.穿过人群的时候,男孩紧紧抓着母亲的手。韦氏高阶〔close〕He told me to stay/keep close as we walked through the crowd.穿过人群时,他让我跟紧他。韦氏高阶〔ease〕He eased his way through the crowd.他小心翼翼地穿过人群朗文当代〔ease〕I eased my way through the crowd.我小心翼翼地穿过人群麦克米伦高阶〔eyes meet〕Their eyes met across a crowded room.他们身处一个拥挤的房间,两人的目光穿过人群的缝隙,互相对视。剑桥高阶〔flying wedge〕A compact, wedge-shaped formation, as of police or guards, moving as a body and used especially for penetrating crowds.楔形推进队:一种尤用于穿过人群中的作为一个整体向前移动的紧密的楔形队列,例如警察或保镖美国传统〔grab at/for〕People were grabbing at her as she walked through the crowd.她穿过人群时,人们伸手去抓她。韦氏高阶〔nudge〕He nudged his way through the crowd.他用胳膊肘开路穿过人群牛津高阶〔plow〕I plowed my way through the crowd.我费力穿过人群美国传统〔push〕I was pushing my way through the crowd.我挤着穿过人群麦克米伦高阶〔rakable〕He raked through the crowd and headed direct for the railway station.他硬挤着穿过人群直奔火车站。21世纪英汉〔shoulder-high〕They carried him shoulder-high through the crowd.他们把他抬在肩头,穿过人群牛津高阶〔shoulder〕She shouldered her way through the crowd.她用肩膀挤着穿过人群牛津搭配〔slip through〕She slipped through the crowd.她悄悄穿过人群外研社新世纪〔snake〕He snaked his way through the crowd.他左弯右拐地穿过人群韦氏高阶〔thread〕He threaded through the crowd.他穿过人群21世纪英汉〔thread〕She came towards me, threading her way through the crowd.她穿过人群朝我走来。朗文当代〔thread〕They threaded their way through the crowd.他们挤着穿过人群英汉大词典〔twist〕They twisted through the crowd.他们迂回穿过人群21世纪英汉〔weave〕He weaved his way through the crowd.他穿过人群韦氏高阶He barged his way through the crowd. 他横冲直撞地穿过人群译典通He tried to hustle along through the crowd, but in vain. 他试图挤著穿过人群,但是过不去。译典通I eased myself through the crowd to the stage.我小心地穿过人群走上舞台。剑桥国际

