
单词 不受欢迎的人
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aspersions〕I hope you don't think I'm casting aspersions, but you've invited some undesirable people along tonight.可不要以为我是在说别人坏话, 不过我确实觉得你今晚请了一些不受欢迎的人来。外研社新世纪〔bad news〕A troublemaker within a group is always bad news.组织中的闹事者总是不受欢迎的人美国传统〔declare〕The government declared him a person non grata.该国政府宣布他为不受欢迎的人21世纪英汉〔intruder〕I don't belong here. I feel like an intruder.我不属于这里。我感觉自己是个不受欢迎的人麦克米伦高阶〔leper〕She claimed that the rumours had made her a social leper.她声称谣言使她在社会交往中成了一个不受欢迎的人剑桥高阶〔notice〕We reserve the right to eject without notice any objectionable person.我们对不受欢迎的人保留事先不予告知加以驱逐的权利。外研社新世纪〔persona non grata〕From the look on their faces, I was obviously persona non grata.从他们的表情上来看,我显然是不受欢迎的人剑桥高阶〔persona non grata〕He was declared persona non grata and asked to leave the country within 48 hours.他被宣布为不受欢迎的人,限期在48小时内离开该国。剑桥高阶〔persona non grata〕He was declared persona non grata by the team.他被该队宣布为不受欢迎的人麦克米伦高阶〔persona non grata〕His shocking book about the movie industry has made him persona non grata in Hollywood.他那本关于电影业的令人震惊的著作使他成了好莱坞不受欢迎的人韦氏高阶〔persona non grata〕The government has declared the French ambassador persona non grata and ordered him to leave the country.政府已经宣布法国大使为不受欢迎的人, 责令其离境。外研社新世纪〔persona non grata〕The government has declared the French ambassador persona non grata and ordered him to leave the country.政府已经宣布法国大使为不受欢迎的人,勒令其离境。柯林斯高阶〔retouch〕As a persona non grata, historical photographs showing him had to be retouched.作为一个不受欢迎的人,此人的形象必须从一应历史性照片上修去。英汉大词典〔undesirables〕There are guards on the door to keep out (the) undesirables.门口有警卫,会把不受欢迎的人挡在门外。剑桥高阶〔undesirable〕The two journalists were expelled from the country as ‘undesirable visitors'.那两个记者被作为“不受欢迎的人”驱逐出境了。麦克米伦高阶Mad people and other social undesirables were generally locked up in the past.在过去,疯人和其他社会上不受欢迎的人通常被关起来。剑桥国际Several embassy staff were declared persona non grata and asked to leave the country within 48 hours.几名大使馆成员被宣布为不受欢迎的人,限在48小时内离开该国。剑桥国际

