
单词 不知所云
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-speak〕Unfortunately, the simplicity of this message is almost lost within his constant management-speak.不幸的是,这条原本简单明了的信息经他那惯常的官腔一说简直不知所云柯林斯高阶〔Babel〕The babel of languages was confusing.各种语言的混杂使人不知所云英汉大词典〔LONG〕Jacques launched into a long-winded explanation that left us just as confused as before. 雅克开始唠唠叨叨地解释了一大堆话,我们听后仍不知所云朗文写作活用〔PURPOSE〕The novel seems aimless, and the characters are stereotypes. 这部小说不知所云,人物呆板。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕I went to the lecture, but it was way over my head. 我去听讲座了,但是完全不知所云朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Most of the ‘help’ messages you get on computers aren't at all clear to ordinary home users. 电脑上的大部分“帮助”信息在普通家庭用户看来不知所云朗文写作活用〔confusing〕Some of the questions he asked were very confusing.他问的一些问题令人不知所云麦克米伦高阶〔diffuse〕His writing is so diffuse and obscure that it is difficult to make out what it is he is trying to say.他的文章含混晦涩,让人看后不知所云柯林斯高阶〔double-talk〕The director double-talked us (into doing what he wanted).主任用不知所云的话来说服我们(做他想做的事)。21世纪英汉〔jumble〕The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas.这篇文章思路混乱,使人不知所云牛津高阶〔know〕He doesn't know what he's talking about.他不知所云文馨英汉〔long-winded〕The manifesto is long-winded, repetitious and often ambiguous or poorly drafted.宣言长篇大论, 内容叠床架屋, 词句常常含混不清或不知所云外研社新世纪〔long-winded〕The manifesto is long-winded, repetitious and often ambiguous or poorly drafted.宣言长篇大论,内容叠床架屋,词句常常含混不清或不知所云柯林斯高阶〔lose〕After a promising first half the film loses its way.电影的前半场让大家很看好, 后面就不知所云了。外研社新世纪〔lose〕For a while the artist completely lost his way. The famous humour gave way to sentimental nonsense.有一阵子这位艺术家完全迷失了方向,其出了名的幽默风趣被伤感而煽情的不知所云取而代之。柯林斯高阶〔mangle〕They don't know what they're talking about and mangle scientific information.他们不知所云, 把科学知识讲得乱七八糟。外研社新世纪〔mangle〕They don't know what they're talking about and mangle scientific information.他们不知所云,把科学知识讲得错误百出。柯林斯高阶〔nonsense〕Most of the translation he did for me was complete nonsense.他给我做的大多数译文完全不知所云牛津高阶〔nonsense〕The translation of the instructions was so poor they were just nonsense.这些使用说明翻译得很差,简直是不知所云剑桥高阶〔sea〕I'm (all) at sea when people talk about abstract painting.当人们谈论抽象派绘画时,我不知所云英汉大词典〔second childhood〕Her grandfather's in his second childhood and talks nonsense most of the time.她祖父年老昏聩,大多数时候总是不知所云剑桥高阶〔your〕This is your justice, is it? 这就是你所谓的正义吗?(真令人不知所云文馨英汉She babbled a few words to him. 她对他说了几句不知所云的话。译典通The translation of the instructions was so poor they were just nonsense.说明书翻译得这么差,简直是不知所云剑桥国际

