
单词 上岗
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔July〕I expect you to report for work on July the twenty-eighth.我希望你于7月28日报到上岗柯林斯高阶〔available〕We interviewed many available candidates for the job.我们面试了许多随时可以上岗的应聘者。韦氏高阶〔bargain〕The soldier bargained that he should not have to go on guard on Sundays.这名战士提出星期日不必上岗的要求。21世纪英汉〔hack〕After two weeks at the new job, he decided that he just couldn't hack it.上岗两周后,他认定自己干不好这份新工作。韦氏高阶〔intensively〕Each counsellor undergoes an intensive training programme before beginning work.每个辅导员在上岗前都要接受密集培训。柯林斯高阶〔permit〕They wouldn't give him the job without a work permit.没有上岗证,他们不会让他做这份工作的。麦克米伦高阶〔resume〕She resumed her career after an interval of six years.经过六年的间歇之后她又重新上岗牛津高阶〔skill up〕They have to be skilled up before working.上岗之前还得对他们进行技能培训。21世纪英汉〔take〕The guards took up their positions by the door.警卫在门口上岗英汉大词典〔turn〕It is your turn to watch.轮到你上岗了。英汉大词典After a six-month probationary period, her position was confirmed.她经过 6 个月的试用期后,获准正式上岗牛津商务All new staff go through an orientation program.所有新员工都要参加上岗培训项目。牛津商务New employees do a month's intensive training before starting.新员工上岗前要接受一个月的强化训练。牛津商务The management programme included six weeks of classroom work and 14 months' on-the-job experience.这一管理课程包括六周的课堂教学和 14 个月的上岗实践。牛津商务

