
单词 出神
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTENTION〕The little boy sat at the edge of the pond, totally absorbed in watching the fish. 小男孩坐在池塘边沿上,出神地看着水里的鱼儿。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕Millions of Japanese listened spellbound as they heard the Emperor speak in public for the first time. 数以百万计的日本人出神地听着天皇首次发表公开讲话。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕On clear nights we were spellbound by the strange flickering of the Northern lights in the sky. 清朗的夜晚,我们出神地看着空中闪闪烁烁、神秘莫测的北极光。朗文写作活用〔absently〕Laura gazed absently out of the window.劳拉出神地看着窗外。朗文当代〔absently〕She gazed absently into the street.她出神地看着街上。麦克米伦高阶〔abstraction〕She gazed out the window in abstraction.她出神地盯着窗外。韦氏高阶〔abstraction〕She rocked the baby gently, gazing in abstraction at the flickering fire.她轻轻地摇晃着宝宝,出神地望着摇曳的火光。朗文当代〔abstract〕His imagination so abstracted him that his name was called twice before he answered.他出神遐想,在名字被叫了两遍后才答应。英汉大词典〔agaze〕He stood agaze at the sight.他站在那儿,出神地看着这景象。英汉大词典〔amalgam〕The show was a wonderful amalgam of dance, music, and drama.这场表演出神入化地将舞蹈、音乐和戏剧融为一体。剑桥高阶〔aural〕He became famous as an inventor of astonishing visual and aural effects.他因制造出神奇的视听效果而闻名。外研社新世纪〔bemuse〕He drove down the street, bemused.他出神想着心事,开车沿街驶去。英汉大词典〔bemuse〕The old man sat bemused in the winter sun.那老人坐在冬天的阳光下出神21世纪英汉〔bring ... out in〕The excitement brought her out in a nervous rash.激动使她全身出神经过敏的皮疹。21世纪英汉〔centrifugal〕Physiology Transmitting nerve impulses away from the central nervous system; efferent.【生理学】 传出的:由中枢神经系统传出神经脉冲的;传出的美国传统〔contemplation〕She was lost in contemplation of the scene in front of her.她出神地望着眼前这一幕。牛津搭配〔demon〕He played like a demon.他的球技出神入化。外研社新世纪〔dreamily〕She stared dreamily out of the small window at the blue horizon.她出神地看着小窗子外面的蓝色地平线。柯林斯高阶〔dreamily〕They stared dreamily into each other's eyes.他们出神地相互对视。韦氏高阶〔ecstasy〕The trance, frenzy, or rapture associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation.出神,昏厥:与由神秘的或预言性的兴奋有关的昏厥、发狂和出神美国传统〔ecstatic〕Being in a state of ecstasy; enraptured.欣喜若狂的;出神的:陷于狂喜状态中的;心醉神迷的美国传统〔effect〕He achieves/gets amazing effects with wood.他用木头创造出神奇效果。韦氏高阶〔efferent〕An efferent nerve carries signals away from the brain and spinal cord.传出神经将信号从大脑和脊髓中传出。剑桥高阶〔efferent〕An efferent organ or body part, such as a blood vessel.传出神经:一个传出器官或躯体部分,如血管美国传统〔enraptured〕They were enraptured at the beautiful sunset.他们对著那美丽的落日出神文馨英汉〔entrance of〕He stood entranced of the sight.他站在那里望着那景色出神21世纪英汉〔entranced〕He stood entranced at the beautiful scenery.他站在那里对著美景出神文馨英汉〔entrance〕She was entranced in thought.她想得出神21世纪英汉〔fascinated〕I sat on the stairs and watched, fascinated.我坐在楼梯上出神地观望。柯林斯高阶〔fascination〕The art teacher looked at him with fascination.美术老师出神地看着他。外研社新世纪〔groove〕Her singing grooved me.她的歌唱使我听得出神英汉大词典〔hang〕Melinda was hanging on his every word, fascinated.梅林达出神地聆听着他说的每一句话。外研社新世纪〔inspired〕She gave an inspired performance.她的表演出神入化。韦氏高阶〔magician〕Bevan was a magician with words.贝文用词出神入化。外研社新世纪〔magician〕Bevan was a magician with words.贝文用词出神入化。柯林斯高阶〔magic〕The show is three hours of pure magic.这场 3 小时的演出简直出神入化。牛津搭配〔magic〕The warm weather and the beautiful scenery began to work their magic and she started to relax.温暖的天气和美丽的景色开始显出神效,她渐渐放松了下来。朗文当代〔moon about〕She must still be in love with her black-haired boy; all that she's done since he left her is mooning about the house.她肯定还在留恋着她的黑头发小伙子,自从他抛弃了她以后她成天只是在房子周围闲荡出神21世纪英汉〔moon〕She sits mooning over his photograph for hours.她一坐好几个小时,对着他的照片出神朗文当代〔moon〕To yearn or pine as if infatuated.出神:渴望或向往,仿佛迷恋或醉心于其中美国传统〔neutral〕I waited, but her eyes were neutral.我等着她的反应,可从她双眼看不出神色的变化。英汉大词典〔preoccupied〕Absorbed in thought; engrossed.全神贯注的;出神美国传统〔rapt〕I sat in my sunny doorway, rapt in a reverie.我坐在我家满地阳光的门口处,出神冥想。英汉大词典〔space〕He sat quietly for a while, staring into space.他静静地坐了一会儿,出神地望着前面。麦克米伦高阶〔spellbound〕The audience was spellbound and seatbound.观众们看得出神,不肯离座。英汉大词典〔study〕When he's in a brown study it doesn't necessarily mean he's in a bad temper.他默默出神的时候, 并不一定意味着他心情不好。外研社新世纪〔touch〕He couldn't find his magic touch with the ball today(= he didn't play well).他今天施展不出神奇的运球技巧。牛津高阶〔trance〕The crackling of a radio broke my trance.收音机喀喀的噪声打断了我的出神冥想。英汉大词典〔trance〕They went into a trance to communicate with the spirit world.他们进入出神状态与灵界交流。柯林斯高阶〔trance〕To put into a trance; entrance.使…进入恍惚状况;使出神美国传统〔transfix〕To render motionless, as with terror, amazement, or awe.出神:使不能动弹,如由于恐惧、惊奇或敬畏美国传统〔unseeing〕He stared unseeing out of the window.他出神地盯着窗外。外研社新世纪〔unseeing〕He stared unseeing out of the window.他出神地看着窗外。柯林斯高阶He lay back and gazed out the window contemplatively.他向后一靠,出神地凝望着窗外。剑桥国际He was staring at her with fascination. 他出神地盯著她看。译典通I was too preoccupied to hear the bell. 当时我出神地想著心事,没有听见门铃响。译典通She gazed abstractedly out of the window.她出神地注视着窗外。剑桥国际She gazed dreamily out of the window.她出神地看着窗外。剑桥国际She watched, fascinated, as the glass fell and shattered.她出神地看着杯子掉下来摔得粉碎。剑桥国际The boy stared in fascination at the rotating meat on the rotisserie.这个男孩出神地盯着电热轮转烤肉器上的烤肉。剑桥国际

