
单词 凯尔特语
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔British〕The Celtic language of the ancient Britons.古不列颠语:古不列颠人的凯尔特语美国传统〔Brittonic〕The branch of the Celtic languages that includes Welsh, Breton, and Cornish.布立吞语:包括威尔士、布列塔尼、康沃尔语在内的凯尔特语的分支美国传统〔Celticist〕A specialist in Celtic culture or Celtic languages.凯尔特专家:凯尔特文化或凯尔特语言的专家美国传统〔Celtic〕A subfamily of the Indo-European language family comprising the Brittonic and the Goidelic branches.凯尔特语:属印欧语系,由布立吞语及戈伊德尔语两大语系组成美国传统〔Celtic〕Celtic languages 凯尔特语韦氏高阶〔Celt〕A speaker of a modern Celtic language or a descendant of such a speaker, especially a modern Gael, Welshman, Cornishman, or Breton.讲现代凯尔特语的人:讲现代凯尔特语的人及其后代,尤指现代盖尔人、威尔士人、康沃尔人或不列塔尼人美国传统〔Continental Celtic〕A branch of the Celtic languages comprising Gaulish and Celtiberian, both formerly spoken in continental Europe and known mostly from scattered inscriptions.大陆凯尔特:凯尔特语言的一个分支,包含高卢语和凯尔伊比利亚语,两者皆曾用于欧洲大陆,而且可从散落的碑文上了解大部分内容美国传统〔DIFFERENT〕The name Lloyd and its variant Floyd are Celtic in origin. 人名劳埃德〔Lloyd〕及其变体弗洛伊德〔Floyd〕都源自凯尔特语朗文写作活用〔Goidelic〕A branch of the Celtic languages that includes Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, and Manx.盖尔语:凯尔特语族的一支,包括爱尔兰盖尔语,苏格兰盖尔语和曼岛语美国传统〔Insular Celtic〕A branch of the Celtic languages comprising those spoken or having originated in the British Isles and divided into the Goidelic and Brittonic groups.凯尔特岛民:由英伦群岛的语言所发展或源自于英伦群岛所组成凯尔特语的一个分支,区分为盖尔及布立吞族群美国传统〔related〕Sanskrit is related very closely to Latin, Greek, and the Germanic and Celtic languages.梵语和拉丁语、希腊语、日耳曼和凯尔特语是联系密切的同源语言。柯林斯高阶The Cornish language is a form of Celtic.康沃尔语是凯尔特语言的一种。剑桥国际

