
单词 产品销售
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AMS〕Agricultural Marketing Service.美国农业部农产品销售美国传统〔exhaustive〕Every product is exhaustively tested before being sold.每件产品销售前都经过全面检验。牛津高阶〔govern〕She suggested changing the state's laws governing the sale of alcohol.她建议修改管制酒类产品销售的州法律。韦氏高阶〔hype〕My products aren't based on advertising hype, they sell by word of mouth.我的产品销售靠的不是天花乱坠的广告宣传,而是良好的口碑。柯林斯高阶〔saturation〕The company's sales are now close to saturation in many western countries.这家公司在许多西方国家的产品销售已接近饱和。牛津搭配〔tidy〕The sale of the company brought in a tidy sum.公司通过产品销售赚了一大笔钱。麦克米伦高阶〔traveling salesperson〕A man or woman who travels in a given territory to solicit business orders or sell merchandise.旅行推销员:负责某区域的生意订单或产品销售的男士或女士美国传统〔unit sales〕Unit sales of T-shirts increased 6%.T恤的单位产品销售量增加了6%。柯林斯高阶Health and beauty sales were up by 3.3%.健康和美容产品销售额上升了 3.3%。牛津商务Spending was strong in the group's mid-price product range.这家集团中等价格的系列产品销售强劲。牛津商务The campaign focuses on London, which is the target area for penetration.这一行动着眼于产品销售的目标地区 ── 伦敦。牛津商务They earn milestone payments during the development phase plus a share of sales.他们的所得包括开发时期的阶段性报酬,另加产品销售的提成。牛津商务

