
单词 喝威士忌
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔drinker〕Sherry drinkers far outnumber whisky drinkers.喝雪利酒的人数远远超过喝威士忌的人。外研社新世纪〔ease〕You should ease up on the whisky.你应该少喝威士忌酒。朗文当代〔edge〕Pascoe was drinking whisky to take the edge off the pain.帕斯科在喝威士忌酒以减轻疼痛。朗文当代〔lubricate〕He lubricated them with continuous whiskey.他不停地给他们喝威士忌21世纪英汉〔man〕I never was a whisky man.我从来就不是爱喝威士忌酒的人。英汉大词典〔off〕Her husband's memories are of living off roast chicken and drinking whisky.她丈夫只记得过去吃烤鸡、喝威士忌的日子。柯林斯高阶〔skinful〕He's got a skinful of whisky.他喝威士忌喝得醉醺醺的。外研社新世纪〔snuff ... out〕He snuffed out his cigar, and began to drink whisky.他把雪茄掐灭,开始喝威士忌21世纪英汉〔spirit〕I don't drink whisky or brandy or any other spirits.我不喝威士忌和白兰地,也不喝其他烈性酒。牛津高阶〔whisky〕Do you drink whisky? 你喝威士忌吗?牛津搭配

