
单词 地理学
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ethiopian〕Of or relating to the zoogeographic region that includes Africa and most of Arabia.非洲赤道以南地区的:属于或关于包括非洲和大部分阿拉伯的动物地理学区域的美国传统〔Holarctic〕Of, relating to, or being the zoogeographic region that includes the northern areas of the earth and is divided into Nearctic and Palearctic regions.全北区的:属于、有关或是包括地球北部且分为新北区和古北区的动物地理学区域的美国传统〔Ptolemy〕Alexandrian astronomer, mathematician, and geographer who based his astronomy on the belief that all heavenly bodies revolve around the earth.托勒密:亚历山大天文学家,数学家和地理学家,他把他的天文学建立在所有的天体都绕地球运转这样一种信仰之上美国传统〔auspices〕He gave a series of lectures under the auspices of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society.他在皇家苏格兰地理学会的支持下作了一系列的讲座。麦克米伦高阶〔bearing〕Direction, especially angular direction measured from one position to another using geographical or celestial reference lines.方位,相对位置:方向,尤指用地理学的或天体图线测量的从一个固定位置到另一个位置的带有角度的方向美国传统〔biogeography〕The study of the geographic distribution of organisms.生物地理学:研究有机体地理分布的学科美国传统〔come in〕It was just when geography was really beginning to change and lots of new ideas were coming in.那时正是地理学真正开始发生改变、许多新观念兴起的时候。柯林斯高阶〔cosmography〕The study of the visible universe that includes geography and astronomy.宇宙结构学:研究有形宇宙的科学,其中包括地理学和天文学美国传统〔earth science〕Any of several essentially geologic sciences that are concerned with the origin, structure, and physical phenomena of the earth.地球科学:任一种有关地球起源、结构及各种物理现象的基础地理学美国传统〔epoch〕A unit of geologic time that is a division of a period.世:地理学中小于纪的时间单位美国传统〔gazetteer〕A geographic dictionary or index.地名辞典:地理学的辞典或索引美国传统〔geog.〕Geographer.地理学美国传统〔geographer〕She's a professional geographer.她是一名职业地理学家。韦氏高阶〔geographic〕Of or relating to geography.地理学的:属于或关于地理学美国传统〔geography〕A book on geography.地理学书籍美国传统〔geography〕The study of the earth and its features and of the distribution of life on the earth, including human life and the effects of human activity.地理学:研究地球及其外观和地球上生命分布的科学,包括人类生活和人类活动的影响美国传统〔geoscience〕Any one of the sciences, such as geology or geochemistry, that deals with the earth.地球科学:研究地球的诸学科中的一个,如地理学或地球化学美国传统〔good〕She's very good at geography.她地理学得很好。剑桥高阶〔hydrogeology〕The branch of geology that deals with the occurrence, distribution, and effect of ground water.水文学:地理学的一个分支,研究地面水的出现、分布以及作用美国传统〔hydrography〕The scientific description and analysis of the physical conditions, boundaries, flow, and related characteristics of the earth's surface waters.水文地理学:对地球表面上的水的物理状态、边界、流动及相关特征进行的科学描绘、分析的一种科学美国传统〔orography〕The study of the physical geography of mountains and mountain ranges.山志学,山岳形态学:一门研究山脉及山山脉地区的自然地理学美国传统〔paleobiogeography〕The study of the geographic distribution of fossil organisms.史前生物地理学:对有机体化石的地理分布的研究美国传统〔pole〕Geography Either of the regions contiguous to the extremities of the earth's rotational axis, the North Pole or the South Pole.【地理学】 南极,北极:与地球的自转轴的两端相连的地区中的任一地区,即北极或南极美国传统〔potassium-argon〕Of, relating to, or being a geologic dating method relying on the percentage of potassium in a specimen that has radioactively decayed to argon.钾氩测年:地理学上根据样品中已放射衰变成氩的钾的比例来确定年代的方法的,与这种方法有关的,是这种方法的美国传统〔province〕Geography is not (within) my province.地理学不属于我的专业范畴。英汉大词典〔soc.〕Royal Geographical Soc.皇家地理学牛津高阶〔ultima Thule〕The northernmost region of the habitable world as thought of by ancient geographers.极北地区:古代的地理学家认为的可居住地带最北的地区美国传统〔up〕Conrad's really up on his geography, isn't he? 康拉德地理学得非常好,是吗?朗文当代〔zoogeography〕The biological study of the geographic distribution of animals, especially the causes and effects of such distribution.动物地理学:对动物的地域划分进行的生物学研究,特别是这种划分的原因和影响美国传统

