
单词 坚决否认
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cover-up〕Allegations of a cover-up of the effects of pollution have been strongly denied.有关掩盖工业污染危害的指摘遭到了坚决否认剑桥高阶〔denial〕The company has issued a strong denial of responsibility for the mistake.公司坚决否认对这一错误负有责任。麦克米伦高阶〔flatly〕Michael flatly denied virtually every rumour.迈克尔几乎对每个传闻都坚决否认柯林斯高阶〔flatly〕She has flatly denied the accusations.她坚决否认这些指控。韦氏高阶〔flatly〕The Foreign Ministry has issued a flat denial of any involvement.外交部已经坚决否认参与过此事。柯林斯高阶〔flat〕The Foreign Ministry has issued a flat denial of any involvement.外交部已经坚决否认参与其中。外研社新世纪〔forswear〕He forswore any knowledge of the crime.他坚决否认曾与闻这桩罪行。英汉大词典〔forswear〕She forswore any knowledge of the crime.她坚决否认曾听过这宗罪行。21世纪英汉〔forswear〕To disavow under oath; deny.发誓否认;坚决否认美国传统〔hotly〕Recent reports in the press have been hotly denied.新闻界最近的报道遭到了坚决否认牛津高阶〔hotly〕The rumor has been hotly denied.传言遭到坚决否认朗文当代〔rid〕She denied firmly, ridding us of the doubt.她坚决否认,这就消除了我们的怀疑。英汉大词典〔rule ... out〕He firmly ruled out that he had met with Rosaline.他坚决否认曾与罗莎琳接触过。21世纪英汉〔stout〕She stoutly denied the rumours.她坚决否认那些谣传。朗文当代〔strident〕He repeated his denial with strident insistence.他尖着嗓门一再坚决否认英汉大词典〔vigorously〕The police vigorously denied that excessive force had been used.警方坚决否认曾经滥用武力。柯林斯高阶〔vigorously〕The police vigorously denied that excessive force had been used.警方坚决否认曾经过度使用武力。外研社新世纪〔wrongdoing〕She has strenuously denied any criminal wrongdoing.她坚决否认有任何违法行为。剑桥高阶Allegations of a cover-up of the effects of industrial pollution have been strongly denied by the Environment Minister.掩饰工业污染后果的指控被环境部长坚决否认剑桥国际She acknowledged she made a mistake but has strenuously denied any criminal wrongdoing.她承认自己犯了个错误,但坚决否认有任何违法犯罪行为。剑桥国际

