
单词 有赖
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOOD AT〕Success in business depends on skilful management. 企业的成功有赖于有技巧的管理。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕When the police examined the gun, they found Wright's fingerprints on it. 警方检查这把枪的时候,发现上面有赖特的指纹。朗文写作活用〔assimilation〕Technological advancement depends on the rapid assimilation of new ideas.技术的进步有赖于迅速吸收新思想。英汉大词典〔back〕The plan's success depends on how vigorously the UN will back it up with action.这个计划成功与否,有赖于联合国是否会积极采取行动加以支持。朗文当代〔contingent〕In effect, growth is contingent on improved incomes for the mass of the low-income population.事实上,发展有赖于大量低收入人群收入的增长。柯林斯高阶〔contingent〕Our success is contingent upon your support.我们的成功有赖于你的支持。剑桥高阶〔depend〕What happened later would depend on his talk with De Solina.日后之事将有赖于他与德索利纳的谈话结果。柯林斯高阶〔firstly〕Vitamin C has many roles to play in weight control. Firstly, it is needed for hormone production.维生素C在控制体重方面扮演着多重角色。首先,荷尔蒙的生成有赖于它。柯林斯高阶〔hang〕Everything hangs on your decision.一切有赖于你的决定。英汉大词典〔insensible〕I am not insensible how much I owe to your help.我并非不知道在多大程度上我有赖于你的帮助。英汉大词典〔neighbourhood〕Our health depends on creating neighbourhoods that are conducive to walking.我们的健康有赖于建立起适宜散步的社区。牛津搭配〔no〕The band owed their success in no small part to his unswerving support.该乐队的成功在很大程度上有赖于他坚定不移的支持。外研社新世纪〔participation〕The success of the festival depended upon the participation of the whole community.节日活动的成功有赖于全社区的积极参与。英汉大词典〔prosperity〕The island's prosperity depends on its fishing industry.这个岛的繁荣有赖于渔业。牛津搭配〔recommendation〕Both House and Senate rely heavily on committee recommendations in making their decisions.参众两院的决策在很大程度上有赖各委员会的咨询意见。英汉大词典〔repose〕The scheme reposes on the revival of trade.计划的成功有赖于贸易的复苏。英汉大词典〔require〕It required all his authority to keep them in control.要把他们控制住有赖于他的全部权威。英汉大词典〔require〕True marriage requires us to show trust and loyalty.真正的婚姻有赖于我们表现出信任与忠诚。牛津高阶〔rest〕Shakespeare's fame rests upon his tragedies more than upon his comedies.莎士比亚的声誉,有赖于他的悲剧者多过于喜剧。文馨英汉〔simplicity〕The kitchen is simplicity itself, relying on a combination of good design, craftsmanship and quality materials for its effect.厨房非常简洁,这有赖于好的设计、工艺及可体现这种效果的上乘材料。柯林斯高阶〔tenet〕It is a tenet of contemporary psychology that an individual's mental health is supported by having good social networks.当代心理学的一个基本理念就是个人的心理健康有赖于良好的社交圈。剑桥高阶〔trump〕The real plum of substantial foreign exchange earnings depends on everything coming up trumps.要把巨额外汇真正拿到手有赖于事事都顺畅如意。英汉大词典The success of this project relies on everyone making an effort.本项目的成功有赖于诸位一起努力。剑桥国际

