
单词 server
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTENTION〕In spite of the inattentive servers and the bad decor, it's worth eating at Leon's for the great cheap food. 尽管利昂餐馆侍者服务不周,装潢欠佳,但是食品价廉物美,值得一尝。朗文写作活用〔IRC〕An international computer network of Internet servers, using its own protocol through which individual users can hold real-time online conversations.实时在线对话:国际计算机网络的网络服务,使用自己的通讯协议使个人使用者可以实时在线对话美国传统〔JOIN〕All the PCs in the office are linked to a main server. 办公室内所有的个人电脑都跟主服务器连接着。朗文写作活用〔LEND〕Internet start-ups are being helped by companies willing to lease them Web servers and space. 互联网新兴公司得到了一些愿意向他们出租网络服务器和网络空间的公司的帮助。朗文写作活用〔Trojan horse〕A bug in the browser lets servers download a Trojan horse.浏览器的程序漏洞会导致服务器下载特洛伊木马病毒。朗文当代〔World Wide Web〕The complete set of documents residing on all Internet servers that use the HTTP protocol, accessible to users via a simple point-and-click system.全球信息网,万维网络:一组完整的信息记录,存放在所有的因特网服务器中,使用超文件传输协议,使用者透过简单的点选系统即可取得美国传统〔altar girl〕A girl who is an altar server.女侍僧,女祭坛助手:担任侍僧、祭坛助手的女性美国传统〔amount〕The server is designed to store huge amounts of data.该服务器是为存贮大量数据设计的。牛津高阶〔at the discretion of〕Exactly how much to tip a server is at the discretion of the customer.具体给服务生多少小费由顾客自己决定。韦氏高阶〔configuration〕We'll have to change the configuration of the system to accommodate the new server.我们必须更换系统配置以便匹配新的服务器。韦氏高阶〔connect〕A classroom modem allows you to connect remotely to the server.教室的调制解调器支持与服务器进行远程连接。牛津搭配〔connect〕I'm just trying to connect up to the email server.我正在试着和电子信箱服务器连接上。麦克米伦高阶〔flagon〕Servers must clean all flagons and chalices in the Vestry.助祭们必须把圣具室里的所有圣餐酒壶和圣餐杯擦拭干净。外研社新世纪〔foot fault〕A fault against the server, as in tennis, called for failure to keep both feet behind the base line.发球踏线:如在网球运动中,发球者因脚部踏或越过底线而犯规美国传统〔go〕If one of the file servers goes down, you lose the whole network.文件服务器只要有一个瘫痪,整个网络就不能用了。朗文当代〔listserver〕A file server that is used in the management of e-mail for members of a discussion group.列表服务器:管理讨论群族成员电子邮件的文件服务器美国传统〔mainframe〕What happens if their expensive mainframe or server suddenly breaks down?要是他们昂贵的主机或服务器突然出故障会怎样?外研社新世纪〔network〕The computers are networked to one main server.这些计算机通过网络连接到一台主服务器上。韦氏高阶〔purchase〕Make sure all online purchases are made through a secure server.确保所有的网购行为都通过安全的服务器进行。牛津搭配〔server〕All data is stored on a central file server.所有数据资料都储存在中央文件服务器里。朗文当代〔server〕She asked our server for another glass of wine.她请服务员又倒了一杯酒。韦氏高阶〔signal〕The digital signal travels down wires to the server.数字信号沿着线路传到服务器。牛津搭配〔terminal〕Ten terminals are connected to this server.十台终端机与这台服务器相连。韦氏高阶〔test〕I'll run a diagnostic test to see why the server keeps crashing.我要做诊断测试,弄清为什么服务器总是不断地发生故障。牛津高阶〔time out〕The server connection has been timed out.服务器连接超时。外研社新世纪〔update〕They have just recently updated their server software.他们最近刚刚更新了服务器软件。牛津搭配Email is routed through several servers before it reaches its final destination.电子邮件发送到最终目的地之前要经过好几个服务器。牛津商务I'll run a diagnostic test to see why the server keeps crashing.我将进行诊断测试以弄清服务器总是崩溃的原因。牛津商务Our budget won't stretch to a new server.我们的预算不足以购置新服务器。牛津商务The server has a permanent connection to the Internet with a bandwidth of 128 Kbps (= kilobits per second).这服务器与互联网拥有永久联接,带宽为每秒 128 千比特。牛津商务The server then transmits an ad to the user's computer screen.服务器随后将广告发送到用户的计算机屏幕上。牛津商务The data is processed on the server and then delivered to the client.数据经过服务器处理后,被发送给客户机。牛津商务The new server breaks the record for computing power.新的服务器打破了计算能力的纪录。牛津商务There has been a shift in IT from mainframes to servers.信息技术行业出现了从大型机向服务器的转变。牛津商务They recommend that you use a dedicated server for the software.他们建议你使用这款软件的专用服务器。牛津商务We're losing too much time through server timeouts.由于服务器超时,我们浪费了太多的时间。牛津商务

