
单词 反感
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISLIKE〕My intense dislike for him seemed to grow day by day. 我对他的极度反感好像一天比一天强烈。朗文写作活用〔DISLIKE〕She could not hide her personal dislike of the man. 她掩饰不住自己对那男人的反感朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕I've got nothing against vegetarians, but some of them are so self-righteous! 我对素食的人并不反感,只是有些人太自命清高!朗文写作活用〔HORRIBLE〕His habit of sniffing loudly really disgusted her. 他大声抽鼻子的习惯实在令她反感朗文写作活用〔HORRIBLE〕News of the atrocities produced a wave of anger and revulsion. 有关这些暴行的消息激起了一阵愤怒和反感朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Films that could be construed as offensive are shown after nine o'clock. 被认为令人反感的电影是在9点以后播放的。朗文写作活用〔abhorrent〕She was abhorrent of vulgarity.她很反感粗俗言行。外研社新世纪〔abhorrent〕Such a savage punishment is abhorrent to a civilized society.这样残暴的惩罚会在文明社会引起反感牛津搭配〔abomination〕A cause of abhorrence or disgust.引起憎恨或反感的原因美国传统〔abomination〕What is happening is an abomination.正在发生的事令人非常反感柯林斯高阶〔alien〕Such an attitude is alien to most businessmen.这样的态度是大多数商人所反感的。外研社新世纪〔anathema〕His political views were anathema to me.我对他的政治观点全然反感朗文当代〔annoy〕Some personalities antagonize;others simply annoy.有些人令人反感,另一些人只是叫人讨厌。21世纪英汉〔antagonistically〕Many people reacted antagonistically to her comments.许多人对她的评论觉得反感韦氏高阶〔antagonize〕They were always careful not to antagonize rural voters.他们总是小心翼翼不引起乡村选民的反感麦克米伦高阶〔antipathy〕He is a private man with a deep antipathyto/towards the press.他是个喜欢独处的人,对媒体非常反感剑桥高阶〔antipathy〕She found it hard to hide her antipathy towards her senior colleagues.她觉得很难掩饰对那些级别较高的同事的反感麦克米伦高阶〔antipathy〕She'd often spoken of her antipathy towards London.她常提及她对伦敦的反感柯林斯高阶〔antipathy〕The author's antipathy to/toward other cultures is obvious.作者对其他文化的反感显而易见。韦氏高阶〔antipathy〕There has always been strong antipathy between the two groups.这两个群体彼此一直十分反感韦氏高阶〔aversion〕I felt an instant aversion to his parents.我立刻对他的父母产生了反感剑桥高阶〔common〕His common manners repulsed her.他态度粗鲁使她反感英汉大词典〔contort〕Revulsion contorted his features.强烈的反感使他表情扭曲。外研社新世纪〔cringe〕Just the thought of eating broccoli makes me cringe.单是想到吃西蓝花就会让我反感韦氏高阶〔disfavour〕She eyed his unruly collar-length hair with disfavour.她反感地盯着他那长及衣领的一头乱发。外研社新世纪〔disgusted〕Most locals are disgusted by the anti-foreigner violence.大多数当地人对反外国人的暴力行为很反感朗文当代〔disgust〕He disgusted many with his boorish behaviour.他的粗鲁行为让许多人反感外研社新世纪〔disgust〕Sam threw his books down in disgust and stormed out of the room.萨姆反感地扔下书,气愤地冲出了房间。朗文当代〔disgust〕The fans didn't hide their disgust at the umpire's decision.球迷们没有掩饰对裁判这一裁决的反感情绪。朗文当代〔disgust〕The level of violence in the film really disgusted me.影片中的暴力程度实在让我反感牛津高阶〔disgust〕To excite nausea or loathing in; sicken.引起恶心或反感;使作呕美国传统〔dislike〕Sonia stared at me with dislike and distrust.索尼娅瞪着我,满脸反感和不信任。牛津搭配〔distasteful〕It was a distasteful subject to him.这个话题令他反感韦氏高阶〔distaste〕Dislike or aversion.不喜欢,反感美国传统〔distaste〕The two men suppressed their mutual distaste.两个人都抑制着对对方的反感英汉大词典〔explosively〕He made a loud, explosive noise of disgust.他反感地爆发出一阵叫嚷。柯林斯高阶〔explosive〕He made a loud, explosive noise of disgust.他反感地爆发出一阵叫嚷。外研社新世纪〔extreme〕Some of the scenes were unpleasant in the extreme.有些场景令人极其反感剑桥高阶〔feeling〕A lot of people have hard feelings against him.许多人对他都有反感英汉大词典〔feeling〕His speech caused (或aroused) a lot of strong feeling.他的演讲激起了强烈的反感英汉大词典〔frigid〕Persistently averse to sexual intercourse.性冷淡的:长期对性交反感美国传统〔gag〕To experience a regurgitative spasm in the throat, as from revulsion to a food or smell or in reflexive response to an introduced object.作呕:如喉咙中产生作呕感等对食物或烟味强烈反感或对使用物品的本能反应美国传统〔greed〕He was unsympathetic with many house sellers, complaining that they were motivated by greed.他对很多卖房者表示反感,抱怨说他们是受贪念驱使。剑桥高阶〔gross ... out〕You are going to gross out people if you continue talking like that.如果你继续像那样说话,就会引起人们的反感21世纪英汉〔gross out〕Anastasia was grossed out when her father spoke to total strangers in public.当父亲在公共场合和完全陌生的人说话时, 阿纳斯塔西娅很反感外研社新世纪〔hate〕Jazz has always been a pet hate of mine.我对爵士乐向来特别反感牛津搭配〔have a problem with sth/sb〕I have a real problem with people who use their mobile phones on the train.我对那些在火车上打手机的人非常反感剑桥高阶〔hydrophobic〕Repelling, tending not to combine with, or incapable of dissolving in water.恐水症的:反感,不愿意与水结合或不能溶于水的美国传统〔intrusive〕The cameras were not an intrusive presence.那些摄像机的存在并不令人反感外研社新世纪〔like〕I like the way he just assumes we'll listen to him when he doesn't take in a word anyone else says! (= I don't like it and it annoys me.) 他谁的话都听不进去,却以为我们大家都会听他的,对此我非常反感剑桥高阶〔loathing〕She regarded his hypocrisy with loathing.她很反感他的虚伪。韦氏高阶〔moaner〕Film critics are dreadful moaners.影评人都是些让人非常反感的牢骚满腹的人。柯林斯高阶〔objection〕I've no objection to anybody coming into my lesson.我不反感任何人到我课上听课。外研社新世纪〔odium〕His behavior incurred the odium of everyone.他的行为引起了大家的反感[憎恶]。文馨英汉〔odium〕Internationally Reagan attracted odium for his militarism.里根因为穷兵黩武招致国际反感朗文当代〔odium〕Strong dislike, contempt, or aversion.强烈的不喜欢、轻视或反感美国传统〔offence〕The bad language caused offence to our neighbours.下流话引起了我们邻居的反感牛津同义词〔offence〕The photo may cause offence to some people.这张照片可能会引起一些人的反感牛津高阶〔offence〕The photograph may cause distress and offence to the public.这张照片可能会引起公众的忧虑和反感外研社新世纪〔offence〕The presence of foreign troops on their land has become an offence to their hosts.在他们的土地上有外国军队驻扎成了让东道主反感的事。外研社新世纪〔pissed off〕I was pissed off with the way some people were behaving.有些人的表现令我非常反感朗文当代〔pitying〕He was rather put out by the old woman's pitying tone.他对老妇人充满同情的语气相当反感外研社新世纪〔put sb off (sth/sb)〕You have to work long hours and that puts off a lot of people.不得不加班,这让很多人非常反感剑桥高阶〔rebel〕Her very soul rebelled at (the thought of) going back.一想到要回去,她从内心生出反感英汉大词典〔rebel〕She rebelled at the unwelcome suggestion.她对这不受欢迎的建议感到反感美国传统〔repellent〕His appearance was repellent.他的模样令人反感英汉大词典〔repugnance〕Extreme dislike or aversion.深恶痛绝:极度的讨厌或反感美国传统〔repugnance〕The Committee said his actions were improper and repugnant.委员会称他行为失当,令人反感柯林斯高阶〔repulsion〕Extreme aversion.极度的反感美国传统〔repulsion〕I felt a mixture of amazement and repulsion.我感到既吃惊又反感朗文当代〔repulsion〕She felt a repulsion for politics.她对政治感到很反感韦氏高阶〔repulsive〕He was utterly repulsive to her.她对他极为反感牛津搭配〔revolt〕Cruelty to animals revolts us.虐畜行为使我们反感牛津同义词〔revulsion〕News of the atrocities produced a wave of anger and revulsion.暴行的披露激起了一阵愤怒和强烈反感朗文当代〔say〕To those who've never received million dollar royalty cheques, this sounded a little odd, not to say offensive.对于那些从没有收到过上百万美元版权费的人来说,这听起来就算不令人反感,至少也让人觉得有点儿怪。柯林斯高阶〔screening〕Many viewers have strong opinions about violence on the screen.许多观众对银幕暴力心存反感柯林斯高阶〔scunner〕He took a scunner at his daughter's newest boyfriend.他对女儿新交的男友深怀反感英汉大词典〔shocked〕He'll be shocked if you say that.如果你那么说的话, 他会十分反感的。外研社新世纪〔shocked〕Many people were shocked by the film when it first came out.这部影片刚上映时,许多人都很反感朗文当代〔shock〕The level of violence in the movie really disgusted me.影片中的暴力程度实在让我反感牛津高阶〔sick〕The British press makes me sick.英国新闻界让我很反感柯林斯高阶〔sloth〕Aversion to work or exertion; laziness; indolence.懒散,怠惰:对工作或努力的反感;懒惰;不积极美国传统〔sore〕One sore point is their privilege of using tax-free shops.招人反感的一件事是他们享有去免税商店购物的特权。英汉大词典〔stuff〕Used as an intensive to express extreme anger, frustration, or disgust.用作加强语意词以表达极端之愤怒、懊恼或反感美国传统〔susceptible〕Diesel exhaust is particularly aggravating to many susceptible individuals.许多体质敏感的人尤其反感柴油废气。柯林斯高阶〔swagger〕He has a swagger that annoys some of his teammates.他的那股神气劲儿令一些队友很反感韦氏高阶〔taboo〕A ban or an inhibition resulting from social custom or emotional aversion.禁忌:一种因社会习俗或感情上的反感而导致的禁忌或忌讳美国传统〔throw〕Ted threw up his hands in disgust. 'Can't you make her change her mind?' he asked.特德反感地甩了甩手。“你不能让她改变主意吗?”他问道。朗文当代〔turn against〕Working with the police has turned me against the use of violent scenes as entertainment.与警方合作后,我开始很反感把暴力场面作为娱乐表演的做法。柯林斯高阶〔vibe〕Sorry, Chris, but I have bad vibes about this guy.对不起,克里斯,可我对这个家伙很反感柯林斯高阶〔vilely〕He is hugely combative and has written some vilely offensive remarks.他极其好斗, 写过一些令人反感的冒犯性话语。外研社新世纪〔wowser〕A person regarded as obnoxiously puritanical.清教徒的禁欲主义,严肃拘谨的人:被认为令人反感的清教徒式的人美国传统His badly scarred face produced an involuntary feeling of repulsion (= disgust) in her.他伤痕累累的面孔使她不由自主地产生了反感剑桥国际His behavior was distasteful to everyone. 他的行为令大家反感译典通I detest the sort of ads that use nauseatingly (= in a way that I do not like) cute children and animals.我憎恨那种利用乖巧得令人反感的孩子和动物来制作的广告。剑桥国际I object to being expected to tip at the hairdresser's.在美发室有人期待着我给他们小费,令我反感剑桥国际It is repugnant for these essential services to rely on charity.让这些必不可少的服务依赖于慈善机构是极其令人反感的。剑桥国际Picking your nose is a revolting habit.挖鼻孔是一个令人反感的习惯。剑桥国际The tourists were repulsed by the filthy conditions.游客们对肮脏的环境产生了反感剑桥国际This is an outrageously offensive book which is being published under the smokescreen of free speech.这是一本极令人反感的书,它在自由言论的幌子下出版发行。剑桥国际

