
单词 劫掠一空
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔liberate〕Those soldiers liberated the turkeys and the geese.那些兵把火鸡和鹅劫掠一空英汉大词典〔loot〕The port was burned and looted of most of its equipment and merchandise during the war.那港口在战时被焚,大部分设备和货物都被劫掠一空英汉大词典〔pillage〕Works of art were pillaged from churches and museums.教堂和博物馆的艺术品被劫掠一空牛津高阶〔ravish〕During the Second World War my hometown was ravished, and all its treasure robbed.第二次世界大战期间,我的家乡惨遭蹂躏,所有金银财宝均被劫掠一空21世纪英汉〔strip〕They will swoop in one day and strip the place of every item of worth.有朝一日他们会突袭而入, 把这里所有值钱的东西劫掠一空外研社新世纪〔strip〕Thieves had stripped the house bare.窃贼把房子劫掠一空牛津高阶The victorious army despoiled the city of all its treasures. 得胜的军队把城里的财宝劫掠一空译典通

