
单词 点线
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕At the end of a long race, it's the sight of the finish line that gets the old adrenaline pumping. 长跑比赛的最后,最叫人激动的是看到终点线朗文写作活用〔FAST〕With the finish line in sight, Wallace pulled ahead of the pack and drove to victory. 终点线在望,华莱士一车当先,赢得胜利。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕Krzystof finished first among the 147 professional cyclists. 克日什托夫在147名专业自行车运动员中第一个冲过终点线朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕Maryam was first to cross the line, in just 12 seconds. 马娅姆第一个冲过了终点线,只用了12秒。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Three runners crossed the line together. 三名赛跑选手同时冲过终点线朗文写作活用〔WIN〕The crowd roared as the winner crossed the finishing line. 获胜者跨过终点线时,人群欢呼起来。朗文写作活用〔adversary〕Elliott crossed the finish line just half a second behind his adversary.埃利奥特跨过终点线时仅比对手落后半秒钟。柯林斯高阶〔baffle〕The police were baffled by the total lack of clues to the murder.那件谋杀案由于没有一点线索把警方难住了。英汉大词典〔breast〕I was at the race's finish line to see the winner breast the tape.我在赛跑终点线处,以便能看到获胜者以胸撞线。韦氏高阶〔clearly〕He crossed the line three seconds clear of Tom Snape.他领先汤姆·斯内普3秒冲过终点线柯林斯高阶〔cross〕He raised his arms in triumph as he crossed the line for his 100-metres win.他以胜利的姿态高举双手跑过终点线,赢了这场百米赛。朗文当代〔cross〕He was the first runner to cross the finish line.他是第一个冲过终点线的赛跑运动员。韦氏高阶〔cross〕Only two crossed the finish line.只有两人到达终点线英汉大词典〔cross〕They crossed the finishing line together(= in a race).他们同时越过终点线牛津高阶〔fault〕Sixth went to John Marsden, who slipped down the line after three show jumps down and 21 time faults.约翰·马斯登位列第六, 他在3次跨越障碍后在终点线滑倒, 被扣21分。外研社新世纪〔finish line〕A line that marks the end of a course for racing.终点线:赛跑时标在跑道最末端的线美国传统〔finishing line〕James crossed the finish line in just under four minutes.詹姆斯不到四分钟就冲过了终点线朗文当代〔finishing line〕The crowd started screaming as she crossed the finishing line.在她越过终点线的一刹那, 人群开始尖叫起来。外研社新世纪〔finishing line〕The finishing line was now in sight.现在, 终点线就在眼前。外研社新世纪〔finishing line〕The two horses crossed the finishing line together.两匹马同时越过终点线牛津高阶〔finishing〕Together the racers spurted toward the finishing line.赛跑者一起向终点线冲刺。英汉大词典〔flatly〕They hurtled across the line in a flat-out sprint.他们拼命冲刺,越过终点线柯林斯高阶〔forge〕Just 100 metres from the finishing line Jackson forged ahead.离终点线还有100米时,杰克逊突然加速冲刺。剑桥高阶〔fractionally〕He was just fractionally ahead at the finishing line.在终点线他只是稍微领先。牛津高阶〔goal〕The finish line of a race.终点:比赛终点线美国传统〔grandstand〕We were paddling to the starting line and the whole grandstand was cheering.我们划向起点线时, 看台上所有的观众都在欢呼。外研社新世纪〔homestretch〕Sports The portion of a racetrack from the last turn to the finish line.【体育运动】 终点直道:从最末弯道到终点线之间的那段跑道美国传统〔home〕I could see the finish line and thought I was home and dry.我能看见终点线了,我想我终于成功了。牛津高阶〔leg〕She crossed the finish line on tired legs.她拖着疲惫的双腿越过终点线牛津搭配〔line〕A real or imaginary mark or point at which a race begins or ends.起始线,终点线:赛跑中起点或终点的实际或想象的线美国传统〔line〕He raced towards the finishing line.他朝终点线冲刺。朗文当代〔line〕He was the last to cross the (finish) line.他最后一个过终点线英汉大词典〔lung〕Lungs bursting, she flew across the finish line.她飞快地冲过终点线,感觉肺要爆裂一般。牛津搭配〔marshal〕I could see a marshal on the finish line waving a yellow flag.我看到一名主事官在终点线摇动黄旗。朗文当代〔momentum〕The runner's momentum carried him more than thirty feet over the finish line.冲力把赛跑运动员带过终点线30多英尺。英汉大词典〔neck and neck〕The two horses were running neck and neck to the finish line.两匹马并驾齐驱跑向终点线韦氏高阶〔neck and neck〕They were neck and neck right up to the finishing line.他们一直到终点线都是齐头并进。外研社新世纪〔nineteenth〕I was the nineteenth person to cross the finish line.我第十九个冲过终点线韦氏高阶〔overtake〕At last he overtook me at the finishing line.在到达终点线时他超过了我。21世纪英汉〔pace〕The runner collapsed just a few paces from the finish.那名赛跑选手在距终点线只有几步之遥的地方倒下了。剑桥高阶〔pain〕His face was contorted with pain as he crossed the finish line.冲过终点线时,他疼得脸都变了形。牛津搭配〔photo-finish〕They're neck-and-neck, head-and-head, in a furious battle to the wire. It's a photo-finish!他们在激烈的竞赛中齐头并进, 一起冲过终点线。只能通过摄像回放确定谁赢!外研社新世纪〔pip〕The horse pipped his rival at the wire.这匹赛马在终点线以微弱优势击败对手。韦氏高阶〔powered her way〕She powered her way to the finish line.她快速冲到终点线韦氏高阶〔pump〕She sprinted for the line, legs pumping.她双腿紧蹬,奔向终点线牛津高阶〔redouble〕He redoubled his speed when he saw the finishing line ahead.当他看到前面的终点线时,他大大地加快了速度。21世纪英汉〔row out〕They were rowed out and slumped over their oars at the finish line.他们已经划得精疲力竭,一到终点线便伏倒在桨上。21世纪英汉〔second wind〕The sight of the finish line gave the runners a second wind.看到终点线时赛跑者又来了精神。韦氏高阶〔seesaw〕The lead seesawed between the two runners right up to the finish line.两名赛跑运动员交替领先,一直到终点线韦氏高阶〔shoot〕She shot past me several metres before the finishing line.她在离终点线几米时冲刺超过了我。剑桥高阶〔shoulder〕He shouldered his bike and walked across the finish line.他扛着自行车走过了终点线柯林斯高阶〔sleuthing〕He did some sleuthing to see if he could turn up any clues.他侦查了一番,看看能否发现点线索。韦氏高阶〔slog〕That last hill before the finishing line was a long slog! 终点线前的最后一座小山是一段漫长而艰难的赛程!剑桥高阶〔sprint〕He made a sprint for the finish line.他向终点线冲刺。韦氏高阶〔sprint〕He sprinted for the line.他向终点线冲去。牛津高阶〔sprint〕The Moroccan came out best in a frantic sprint for the line.在向终点线的疯狂冲刺中摩洛哥运动员胜出。牛津搭配〔spurt〕She spurted past me to get to the line first.她冲刺超过我,率先抵达终点线牛津高阶〔stretch〕A straight section of a racecourse or track, especially the section leading to the finish line.终点直道:跑道的笔直部份,尤指通向终点线的部分美国传统〔tape〕A string stretched across the finish line of a racetrack to be broken by the winner.终点线:拉在一条跑道的终点线上等候优胜者冲刺的一条细线美国传统〔tape〕The two girls reached the tape together.这两个女孩子同时到达终点线英汉大词典〔together〕Three horses crossed the finish line together.3 匹马同时越过终点线柯林斯高阶〔wire〕She was ahead by two seconds at the wire.她以两秒的优势冲过终点线韦氏高阶〔wire〕Sports At the finish line.【体育运动】 在终点线美国传统〔wire〕Sports The finish line of a racetrack.【体育运动】 终点线:赛跑场上的终点线美国传统〔wire〕The marathon ended in a sprint to the wire by the two top runners.两位优秀选手冲刺到终点线,结束了这场马拉松比赛。韦氏高阶He cleared all the hurdles easily and raced to the finishing line.他轻松地跨过了所有的栏架冲向终点线剑桥国际I'm never going to guess the answer if you don't give me a clue.如果你不给我一点线索的话,我绝对猜不到答案的。剑桥国际On this map, demarcations between (= the limits of) regions are shown with dotted lines.这张地图上,地区间分界线以点线表示。剑桥国际She shot past me several metres before the finishing line.她在离终点线几米时冲刺超过了我。剑桥国际That last hill before the finishing-line was a long slog! 终点线前的最后一个斜坡是一段长而艰难的赛程。剑桥国际They oared strongly across the finish line. 他们奋力划过终点线译典通We cheered as he neared the finish line. 当他接近终点线时,我们喝起采来。译典通

