
单词 掺和
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕The film successfully combines a good story line with a serious political message. 这部影片成功地在一个很好的故事情节中掺和进了一个严肃的政治信息。朗文写作活用〔admixture〕Something that is produced by mixing; a mixture.混合物:混合产生的东西;掺和美国传统〔admix〕To mix; blend.混合;掺和美国传统〔blended whiskey〕Whiskey that is either a blend of two or more straight whiskeys or a blend of whiskey and neutral spirits.混合威士忌:由两种或多种纯威士忌酒掺和或由威士忌和浓酒精掺和而成的威士忌酒美国传统〔blend〕Green results from blending blue and yellow.绿色是由蓝色和黄色掺和而成。21世纪英汉〔compound〕He compounded water, sand and soil and formed bricks.他将水、沙和土掺和一起做成砖。21世纪英汉〔cut〕The substance is used to cut cocaine.这种物质是用来与海洛因掺和的。韦氏高阶〔folly〕Somerville bitterly regretted his folly at becoming involved.萨默维尔对于自己掺和进去的愚蠢行为后悔不迭。朗文当代〔gauge〕The amount of plaster of Paris combined with common plaster to speed setting of the mixture.熟石膏掺和比例:与普通灰浆混合的熟石膏数量,以加速凝固美国传统〔gauge〕To mix (plaster) in specific proportions.搀和石膏:按特定比例掺和(石膏)美国传统〔jump in with both feet〕That's just like Julie - always jumping in with both feet before she knows the facts.朱莉就是这样——总是情况都没搞清楚就先瞎掺和剑桥高阶〔meddle〕People shouldn't meddle with things they don't understand.自己不懂的事情,就不该去掺和剑桥高阶〔mixed〕Blended together into one unit or mass; intermingled.混合的:被混合在一起以形成一个单位或一团的;掺和美国传统〔oar〕We were getting along fine until you stuck your oar in.你掺和进来之前我们一直相处得很好。朗文当代〔paste〕Mix the sugar mixture to a smooth paste.将糖的混合料掺和到揉匀的面团里。牛津搭配〔picture〕Meyerson is back in the picture after disappearing in July.迈耶森在7月份消失后现在又掺和了进来了。柯林斯高阶〔picture〕Meyerson is back in the picture after disappearing in July.迈耶森在七月份消失后现在又掺和了进来了。外研社新世纪〔point-blank〕I told him point-blank that I didn't want to get involved.我直截了当地告诉他我不想掺和进去。朗文当代〔stay out of sth〕You don't know anything about this, so just stay out of it! 这件事你毫不知情,所以别掺和剑桥高阶〔stay〕You stay out of it . It's none of your business.你别掺和进去,这不关你的事。朗文当代〔tangled〕I was not about to get tangled up in their argument.我不想掺和到他们的争执中去。剑桥高阶My sister is having problems, and I'd like to help her, but I don't want her to think that I'm meddling.我的姐姐遇到些麻烦,我倒想帮帮她,但是我不想让她以为我是在瞎掺和剑桥国际That's just like Julie--always jumping in with both feet (= becoming involved in a situation too quickly without necessarily understanding what is happening).朱莉就是这样----总是瞎掺和剑桥国际

