“to furnish”例句

单词 to furnish
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔annotate〕To furnish (a literary work) with critical commentary or explanatory notes; gloss.注释,给…作注解:给(文学作品)作评论或注释;给…作注解美国传统〔board〕To furnish with meals in return for pay.收费为…供膳美国传统〔body〕To furnish with a body.赋…以形体美国传统〔bond〕To furnish bond or surety for.为…作保或保证人美国传统〔brace〕To furnish with a brace.系紧:用支柱安装美国传统〔bracket〕To furnish or support with a bracket or brackets.用托架安装美国传统〔bush〕To furnish or line with a bushing.加衬套于,加轴套于:用一个轴套或套管来装饰或排列美国传统〔card〕To furnish with or attach to a card.为…提供卡片,在…上附卡片美国传统〔carte blanche〕We gave the decorator carte blanche to furnish the house.我们把房子的装饰全权委托给了装潢师。韦氏高阶〔cloister〕To furnish (a building) with a cloister.设回廊于:用回廊装饰(一幢建筑)美国传统〔contractor〕One that agrees to furnish materials or perform services at a specified price, especially for construction work.订约人,承包人:同意以某一具体价格供应材料或提供服务的人,尤指建筑工程的承包人美国传统〔cord〕To furnish with a cord.用绳装备美国传统〔curb〕To furnish with a curb.给…装马勒美国传统〔dado〕To furnish with a dado.给…建墩身美国传统〔decorate〕To furnish, provide, or adorn with something ornamental; embellish.修饰:用装饰性的东西布置,提供,或使…生色;修饰美国传统〔dinette〕The table and chairs used to furnish such an area.小吃饭间里用的家具:适合这种小空间的配套桌椅美国传统〔disguise〕To furnish with a disguise.掩饰:给予伪装美国传统〔document〕A written or printed paper that bears the original, official, or legal form of something and can be used to furnish decisive evidence or information.公文,文件,文献:载有原始的、有关某事的官方或法律形式的书写或打印文本,用以提供决定性证据或信息美国传统〔document〕Something, such as a recording or a photograph, that can be used to furnish evidence or information.证件,证据:可以用来提供证据或信息的记录或照片等类的东西美国传统〔embattle〕To furnish with battlements for defense.筑垒设防:筑堡垒以防卫美国传统〔escarp〕To furnish with an escarp.修筑战壕美国传统〔footnote〕To furnish with or comment on in footnotes.给…作脚注:加以脚注或对脚注加以评论美国传统〔furnish〕Having bought the house, they couldn't afford to furnish it.买下房子后,他们没有钱配家具了。朗文当代〔furnish〕He has enough money to furnish the apartment nicely.他有足够的钱把公寓布置得漂漂亮亮的。韦氏高阶〔furnish〕Many proprietors try to furnish their hotels with antiques.许多经营者都想用古董装饰他们的酒店。柯林斯高阶〔glove〕To furnish with gloves.配备以手套美国传统〔guarantee〕To furnish security for.为…提供担保美国传统〔guard〕To furnish (a device or object) with a protective piece.加防护装置:给(器械或物品)装防护装置美国传统〔heel〕To furnish with a heel or heels.做鞋跟:给…钉后掌或后跟美国传统〔heel〕Slang To furnish, especially with money.【俚语】 提供金钱:提供,尤指金钱方面美国传统〔imp〕To furnish with wings.在…装上翅膀美国传统〔inset〕To furnish with an inset.以嵌入物装饰美国传统〔lag〕To furnish or cover with lags.把…用桶板装饰或覆盖美国传统〔mount〕To furnish with a horse for riding.配鞍:为马配鞍美国传统〔patinate〕To furnish with a patina.使生绿锈,产生光泽美国传统〔pipe〕To furnish (a garment or fabric) with piping.为…滚边,拷边:用裱花花饰装饰衣服或织物美国传统〔sash〕To furnish with a sash.给…装上窗框美国传统〔sole〕To furnish (a shoe or boot) with a sole.给…配底:给(鞋或靴子)装鞋底美国传统〔stave〕To furnish with staves.以窄板木条装饰美国传统〔stove〕An apparatus in which electricity or a fuel is used to furnish heat, as for cooking or warmth.炉子:用电或燃料提供热量的器具,如用于烹饪或取暖等美国传统〔tap〕To furnish with a spigot or tap.装龙头:使…具有一个塞栓或龙头美国传统〔tip〕To furnish with a tip.在…装上顶端附加物美国传统〔toggle〕To furnish or fasten with a toggle.装上肘接或用肘接固定美国传统〔tooth〕To furnish (a tool, for example) with teeth.给(例如工具)安装齿状物美国传统〔trap〕To furnish with trappings.马饰:给…装上马饰美国传统〔trap〕To furnish with traps or a trap.装多个或一个阀门美国传统〔trim〕To furnish or equip.装备,配备美国传统〔wing〕To furnish with side or subordinate extensions, as a building or an altarpiece.给安装翼:给…建翼部或附属物,如一个建筑或圣坛背壁装饰画美国传统〔wing〕To furnish with wings.给…装上翼美国传统We've spent so much money on our new house, we can't afford to furnish it.我们在新房子上花了这么多的钱,家具置办不起了。剑桥国际

