“to flee”例句

单词 to flee
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Hundreds of Serbs managed to flee the besieged city. 成百上千的塞尔维亚人设法逃出了那座被包围的城市。朗文写作活用〔ESCAPE〕Rollins tried to flee the country but was stopped at the airport. 罗林斯企图逃出国境,但是在机场被截住了。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕Army forces crushed the revolt, forcing many to flee the country. 军队镇压了叛乱,迫使许多人逃离了该国。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕Many refugees risk death or arrest in their attempts to flee persecution. 许多难民冒着死亡或被捕的危险设法逃脱迫害。朗文写作活用〔bay〕Suddenly, as a beast who has been brought to bay and wounded, he knew he had to flee.他像一只受伤的困兽一样, 突然明白必须得逃走。外研社新世纪〔blow〕Once the plot was blown, the plotters tried to flee abroad.阴谋败露后, 策划者便试图逃往国外。外研社新世纪〔country〕The former president has been forced to flee the country.前总统被迫逃离这个国家。牛津搭配〔denounce〕She had to flee the country after being denounced as a spy to government authorities.有人向政府部门告发她是间谍,于是她不得不逃离那个国家。韦氏高阶〔desperation〕Finally, in desperation, he tried to flee the country.最后,在走投无路的情况下,他试图逃离这个国家。韦氏高阶〔fall〕The fall of the fort caused the local civilians to flee.这个要塞的失守使得当地平民纷纷逃离。韦氏高阶〔flee〕Earthquake victims have been forced to flee their homes.地震灾民被迫逃离了家园。麦克米伦高阶〔flee〕He was accused of trying to flee the scene of the accident.他被指控试图逃离事故现场。韦氏高阶〔flee〕He was caught trying to flee the country.他企图逃离该国时被抓住了。牛津高阶〔flee〕He was forced to flee the country.他被迫逃离这个国家。韦氏高阶〔flee〕She had to flee for her life when soldiers attacked her town.士兵进攻她所在的小镇时,她不得不逃命。牛津搭配〔flee〕The family managed to flee to safety.这家人设法逃到了安全地带。牛津搭配〔flee〕They were forced to flee the country.他们被迫逃离该国。牛津搭配〔flee〕Thousands have been compelled to flee the country in makeshift boats.数以千计的人被迫乘坐简易船只逃离了这个国家。柯林斯高阶〔flee〕Thousands have been compelled to flee the country in makeshift boats.数千人被迫搭乘简易船只逃离这个国家。外研社新世纪〔force〕The flooding forced hundreds of residents to flee their homes.洪水迫使成百上千的居民逃离家园。韦氏高阶〔hill〕Troops forced villagers to flee to the surrounding hills.军队的到来迫使村民们逃到周围的山里去。牛津搭配〔homeland〕During the war, they were forced to flee their homeland.战争期间他们被迫逃离了祖国。牛津搭配〔homeland〕Many refugees have been forced to flee their homeland.很多难民被迫逃离了祖国。牛津高阶〔indignity〕He suffered the indignity of having to flee angry protesters.他不得不屈辱地逃离愤怒的抗议者。外研社新世纪〔indignity〕Later, he suffered the indignity of having to flee angry protesters.后来,他不得不极不光彩地避开愤怒的抗议者溜走了。柯林斯高阶〔infant〕The family were forced to flee with their infant son.那家人被迫带着他们尚在襁褓中的儿子逃走了。柯林斯高阶〔instantly〕For an instant, Catherine was tempted to flee.有那么一会儿,凯瑟琳很想逃跑。柯林斯高阶〔instant〕For an instant, Catherine was tempted to flee.有那么一刹那, 凯瑟琳很想逃跑。外研社新世纪〔mass〕The war has forced masses of people to flee their homes.这场战争迫使许多人逃离家园。韦氏高阶〔oppression〕War, famine and oppression have forced people in the region to flee from their homes.战争、饥荒和压迫迫使这个地区的人们逃离了自己的家园。剑桥高阶〔persecute〕He was forced to flee the country to avoid persecution.为了免受迫害,他被迫逃到国外。韦氏高阶〔primitive〕It is a primitive instinct to flee a place of danger.逃离危险的地方是一种原始本能。柯林斯高阶〔rebel〕When senior army officers rebelled, the President was forced to flee the country.高级军官叛乱时,总统被迫逃亡。麦克米伦高阶〔so〕The Rosario family managed to flee, but others were not so lucky.罗瑟一家设法逃离了,但是其他人不如他们幸运。麦克米伦高阶〔stampede〕To flee in a headlong rush.逃窜:猛冲地逃离美国传统〔stampede〕To cause (a herd of animals) to flee in panic.使(动物)惊逃:使(一群动物)惊慌逃窜美国传统〔swamp〕The railway station was swamped with thousands of families trying to flee the city.火车站挤满了成千上万想要逃离这座城市的家庭。柯林斯高阶〔trickle〕A trickle of refugees began to flee the country.难民开始三五成群地陆续逃离该国。柯林斯高阶As the feeling of panic heightened, people started to flee towards the exits.惊慌感不断增加,人们开始跑向出口。剑桥国际He was lucky to flee the burning hotel. 他很幸运逃出了失火的旅馆。译典通Max Beckmann was one of several German Expressionists forced to flee by the Nazis.麦克斯·贝克曼是为纳粹被迫逃亡的几个德国表现主义大师之一。剑桥国际The criminal was tipped off to flee in time. 有人泄密给罪犯,使他及时逃走了。译典通The sting went badly wrong and the undercover agents were forced to flee.这圈套出了大差错,秘密警察被迫逃离。剑桥国际War, famine and oppression have forced people in the region to flee from their homes.战争、饥荒和压迫迫使这个地方的人们逃离了他们的家园。剑桥国际

