
单词 浮动
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Your savings will earn fluctuating rates of interest. 你的存款会按浮动利率计息。朗文写作活用〔bob〕A cork was bobbing in the water.软木塞在水中上下浮动韦氏高阶〔bob〕Something white was bobbing in the water.有个白色的东西在水中浮动外研社新世纪〔bob〕The wooden bowl bobbed on the waves.那木碗随波浮动文馨英汉〔breath〕A slight gust of fragrant air.香味:香气的浮动美国传统〔currency〕For four months all major currencies floated.所有主要货币的汇率 4 个月来一直浮动牛津搭配〔dense〕Less dense substances move upwards to form a crust.密度小的物质向上浮动并形成一硬层。牛津高阶〔driftwood〕Wood floating in or washed up by the water.漂流木:在水中浮动或被水冲上岸的木头美国传统〔floating〕Short-term and usually unfunded. Used of a debt.浮动汇率的:短期的且通常为未设基金的。用于指债务美国传统〔floating〕The bank has offered us a loan with a floating interest rate.这家银行向我们提供了浮动利率贷款。剑桥高阶〔floating〕You can choose either a fixed or floating interest rate for the loan.这笔贷款你可以选择固定利率,也可选择浮动利率。朗文当代〔float〕A buoyant object, such as a cork, used to hold a net or fishing line afloat.浮子:能浮动的物体,如用来使网或钓线浮起来的浮标美国传统〔float〕A decision by the Finns to float their currency sent a shudder through the foreign exchanges.芬兰允许其货币自由浮动的决定在外汇市场上引起了震动。柯林斯高阶〔float〕Argentina decided to let its currency float freely against the dollar.阿根廷政府决定让其货币汇率对美元自由浮动剑桥高阶〔float〕Computer Science To convert (data) from fixed-point notation to floating-point notation.【计算机科学】 浮动:把(数据)从定点数表示法改为浮点数表示法美国传统〔float〕Economics To allow (the exchange value of a currency) to find freely its real level in relationship to other currencies.【经济学】 汇率浮动:让(货币兑换值)与其它货币自由形成其真正的比价标准美国传统〔float〕Russia decided to float the rouble on the foreign exchange market.俄罗斯决定让卢布在外汇市场上自由浮动朗文当代〔float〕Sterling should be allowed to float.应该允许英镑汇率浮动外研社新世纪〔float〕The government decided to allow the peso to float freely.政府决定让比索自由浮动牛津搭配〔float〕There wasn't enough water to float the ship.水不够深,船浮动不起来。牛津高阶〔fluctuate〕Her wages fluctuate between £150 and £200 a week.她的周薪在150英镑到200英镑之间浮动剑桥高阶〔frenzy〕They were whipping up nationalist frenzy among the excitable crowds.他们在情绪浮动的群众中,激起民族主义者的狂热。文馨英汉〔hover〕In September 1989 the exchange rate hovered around 140 yen to the dollar.1989年9月,日元对美元的汇率一直在140比1的水平上下浮动柯林斯高阶〔hover〕The dollar has been hovering around the 110 yen level.美元一直在 110 日元水平上下浮动朗文当代〔index-link〕Their pensions are index-linked.他们的养老金随物价指数浮动21世纪英汉〔landing〕I waited at the landing for the ferry.我在浮动码头等待渡船。韦氏高阶〔move〕Pensions have moved up in line with the current rate of inflation.养老金已随着当前通货膨胀率的上升而向上浮动英汉大词典〔order of the day〕Volatility is the order of the day in the stock market.上下浮动是股票市场整天的特点美国传统〔oscillate〕The share price has oscillated between a five-year high of 157.25p in 1997 and this year's low of 91.5p.股价一直在1997年创下的5年间最高点157.25便士和今年的最低点91.5便士之间浮动柯林斯高阶〔phytoplankton〕Minute, free-floating aquatic plants.浮游植物群落:自由浮动的微小水生植物群美国传统〔range〕Her scores ranged from 23% up as high as 88%.她的分数在百分制的 23 分至 88 分之间浮动牛津搭配〔scale〕We use a sliding scale (=in which prices are not firmly fixed) for charges.我们收费采用浮动制度。朗文当代〔sliding scale〕Charges are made on a sliding scale, which means that the amount you must pay increases with the level of your income.费用按浮动费率缴纳,这意味着你必须缴纳的金额会随着收入水平的提高而增加。剑桥高阶〔sliding scale〕Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to income(= richer people pay more).按浮动费率制根据收入高低计算收费。牛津高阶〔sliding scale〕Fees are calculated on a sliding scale.按浮动费率制计算费用。朗文当代〔sliding scale〕Many practitioners have a sliding scale of fees.许多从业者都采用浮动制计费。柯林斯高阶〔sliding scale〕Patients at the clinic pay on a sliding scale based on their income.病人在这家诊所看病是按照浮动费率制根据收入高低缴费。韦氏高阶〔sliding scale〕The doctor has a sliding scale of fees based on patients' income.那个医生根据病人的收入浮动收费。麦克米伦高阶〔sliding〕Rent is charged in a sliding ratio to the wages of the tenant.租金按照租户的工资浮动收取。英汉大词典〔snake〕The French franc has pulled out of the snake.法国法郎已退出蛇形浮动汇率。英汉大词典〔uncap〕They had to uncap sterling yesterday.昨天他们不得不取消英镑浮动的上限。21世纪英汉〔variable〕The loan has a variable interest rate.贷款的利率是浮动的。韦氏高阶〔vary〕The cost of a room at the hotel varies with the season.酒店的房价是随季节浮动的。韦氏高阶〔yo-yo〕The price of vegetables often yo-yo in different seasons.蔬菜的价格在不同的季节上下浮动21世纪英汉British Government stocks pay a fixed amount of income each year and, like shares, their value can fluctuate.英国政府的国债每年年末都付一笔固定的利息,并且和股票一样,它们的价值是可以浮动的。剑桥国际Investors have praised the decision of the central bank to float the currency.投资者赞赏中央银行使货币自由浮动的决定。牛津商务Most mortgages sold in the UK have floating rates.在英国出售的大部分抵押债券采用了浮动利率。牛津商务Sterling should be allowed to float. 应当允许英镑浮动译典通The bank has offered us a loan with a floating interest rate (=the charge made for borrowing the money is not fixed).那家银行提出给我们浮动利息贷款。剑桥国际The company is selling $1.5 billion of two-year floating-rate notes.这家公司正在出售价值 15 亿元的两年期浮动利率债券。牛津商务The currency fell by 40% against the dollar on the first day of the float.这种货币在自由浮动的第一天兑美元下跌了 40%。牛津商务The government has decided to float the pound.政府已经决定让英镑的汇率浮动剑桥国际The mark has been left to float.已让马克的汇率自由浮动剑桥国际The peso is now freely floating alongside the dollar.比索目前随美元自由浮动牛津商务The two currencies seem to be moving in lockstep with (= in exactly the same way as) each other.这两种货币看来浮动情况相同。剑桥国际They expect to report earnings of $174 million, plus or minus $1 million.他们预计报告 1.74 亿元的收入,上下浮动 100 万元左右。牛津商务They use a combination of fixed and floating prices.他们将固定价格和浮动价格结合起来使用。牛津商务Wage drift consists of such things as overtime, bonuses and performance-related pay.工资浮动包括加班费、奖金和业绩工资等。牛津商务

