
单词 审判日
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Dies Irae〕A medieval Latin hymn describing Judgment Day, used in some masses for the dead.最后审判日:描述最后审判日的中世纪的拉丁赞美诗,用于为死者作的弥撒仪式美国传统〔Flying Dutchman〕The captain of this ship, a legendary Dutch mariner condemned to sail the seas against the wind until Judgment Day.鬼船船长:这种鬼船的船长,传说中的一个遭咒语一直要逆风驾驶直到最后审判日的荷兰水手美国传统〔advance〕The date of the trial has been advanced by one week.审判日期提前了一星期。牛津高阶〔day of reckoning〕When the day of reckoning comes, we will have to face some unpleasant truths.最终审判日到来时,我们必须面对一些令人不快的事实。韦氏高阶〔doomsday〕Harry Stamper can avert doomsday by rocketing into space with a nuclear bomb and a team of fellow square-jawed heroes.哈里•斯坦珀可以带着一颗核弹以及一队方下巴的男主人公飞速进入太空, 逃过最后审判日外研社新世纪〔doom〕Judgment Day.最后审判日美国传统〔resurrection〕The rising again of the dead at the Last Judgment.全部死者的复活:最后审判日死者的复活美国传统〔trial〕A trial date has been set for May 10.审判日期已定为 5 月 10 日。牛津搭配

