
单词 字形
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔A-frame〕A structure, such as a house, with steeply angled sides that meet at the top in the shape of the letter A.A形框架:A形结构,如房屋,其具有顶部成A字形的小角度的面美国传统〔BEND〕The bus creaked slowly round the hairpin bend. 公共汽车嘎吱吱地慢慢转过U字形急弯处。朗文写作活用〔Geneva cross〕A red Greek or St. George's cross on a white ground, used as a symbol by the Red Cross and as a sign of neutrality.红十字:白底的红色希腊十字形或圣·乔治十字形,用作红十字会的标志或象征中立美国传统〔T-bar〕A ski lift consisting of a bar suspended like an inverted T against which skiers lean while being towed uphill.丁字型滑雪吊车:由悬挂的象倒挂的T字形的铁棒组成的滑雪吊车,滑雪者在被拖上山时可以靠在上面美国传统〔T-maze〕An experimental maze in the shape of a T, one arm of which leads to the correct path, while the other is without an exit.T字型迷宫:一种实验用T字形迷宫,T字的一个臂通向正确的路,而另外一个没有出口美国传统〔V-sign〕The driver shouted rudely at the cyclist and gave her a/the V-sign.开车的人粗鲁地对那个骑自行车的人大吼大叫,并朝她做了个下流的V字形手势。剑桥高阶〔V-sign〕They were waving V-signs for victory.他们打着象征胜利的V字形手势。柯林斯高阶〔Victoria Cross〕A bronze Maltese cross, Britain's highest military award for conspicuous valor.维多利亚十字勋章:一种铜质马耳他十字形勋章,是英国授予有杰出功勋的勇士的最高军队奖赏美国传统〔Z〕The road winds in a series of Z's .这条路有一连串之字形的弯道。英汉大词典〔across〕Crosswise; crossed.成十字形;交叉的美国传统〔a〕Something shaped like the letter A.A字形:形状象字母A的物体美国传统〔blazer〕A lightweight, often striped or brightly colored sports jacket having pockets and notched lapels.运动夹克:一种质量轻,常有条纹或色彩鲜艳的运动夹克,有衣袋和V字形翻领美国传统〔case〕Such forms, positions, and relationships considered as a group.一组格的字形或位置:被认为是一组的这样的形式、位置和关系美国传统〔case〕The form or position of a word that indicates this relationship.格的字形或位置:表示这一关系的一个词的形式或者位置美国传统〔chevron〕Heraldry A device shaped like an inverted V.【纹章学】 人字形图记:一种形似倒V字的纹章图案美国传统〔choir〕The part of the chancel in a cruciform church that is occupied by this company of singers.教堂高坛:十字形的教堂中唱诗班所占据的高坛部分美国传统〔cleat〕Wind both the cords together round the cleat in a figure of eight to secure.将两条细绳用8字形一起绕在系索羊角上系紧。外研社新世纪〔corduroy〕To build (a road) of logs laid down crosswise.用排成十字形的圆木建造(路)美国传统〔crisscross〕A mark or pattern made of crossing lines.十字形图案:用十字线构成的记号或图案美国传统〔crisscross〕Crossing one another or marked by crossings.十字形的,交叉的:互相交叉的或以十字形为特征的美国传统〔cross-stitch〕The blouse had cross-stitches around the neckline.这件女式衬衫的领口是一圈十字形针脚。韦氏高阶〔crossing〕The intersection of the nave and transept in a cruciform church.交叉教堂:十字形教堂中教堂中殿和十字耳堂交叉的地方美国传统〔cross〕A mark or pattern formed by the intersection of two lines, especially such a mark (X) used as a signature.十字形记号:由两根交叉的线组成的记号或形状,尤指代替签字的这一符号(X)美国传统〔cross〕Crosswise.成十字形美国传统〔cross〕The place is marked on the map with a cross.在地图上那个地方用十字形记号标出。英汉大词典〔crucial〕Archaic Having the form of a cross; cross-shaped.【古语】 十字形的:有十字形状的;十字形美国传统〔cruciate〕Arranged in or forming a cross; cruciform.十字形的:以十字形排列的或形成十字形的;十字形美国传统〔cruciform〕Shaped like a cross; cruciate.十字形的:十字形的; 以十字形排列的美国传统〔cruciform〕The ground plan is a cruciform.地面平面图呈十字形英汉大词典〔crutch〕He hobbled along on crutches.他靠一副T字形拐杖支撑着蹒跚地行走。英汉大词典〔draglift〕A ski lift, such as a rope tow, a T-bar, or a J-bar, that pulls skiers up a slope.吊杆:一种滑行升降器,如滑索,象"T"字形或"J"字形,用于将滑雪者沿山坡拉上山美国传统〔em〕The width of a square or nearly square piece of type, used as a unit of measure for matter set in that size of type.全身:一个长方形或近似方形的字形的宽度,用来度量以此宽度为单位的长度美国传统〔erode〕Glaciers erode U-shaped valleys.冰川蚀出U字形山谷。英汉大词典〔featherstitch〕An embroidery stitch that produces a decorative zigzag line.羽状绣花针迹:绣成之字形装饰曲线的一种刺绣针迹美国传统〔figure eight〕The skater traced a figure eight on the ice.滑冰者在冰上划出8字形图案。韦氏高阶〔figure of eight〕She skated a perfect figure of eight.她在冰上滑了一个优美的8字形剑桥高阶〔figure of eight〕The course covered a figure of eight.滑出了一个8字形外研社新世纪〔figure of eight〕Wind the thread in a figure of eight round the pins at the side.将线绕成8字形缠在边上的针上。外研社新世纪〔flèche〕A slender spire, especially one on a church above the intersection of the nave and transepts.尖塔:一种纤细的尖顶,尤指教堂的中殿与十字形耳堂相交处的上部的塔尖美国传统〔formation〕They saw a squadron of fifteen motorcycle policemen driving in V-formation.他们看见 15 名警察骑着摩托车排成 V 字形前行。柯林斯高阶〔form〕The data is stored in digital form.数据以数字形式存储。牛津搭配〔form〕The lawn was laid out in the form of the figure eight.草坪被设计成了8字形剑桥高阶〔gable〕The whole end wall of a building or wing having a gable roof.三角墙,山墙:建有人字形屋顶的房屋的整个末端墙面美国传统〔herringbone〕Five planes herringboned flying over our heads.有五架飞机排成人字形从我们的头上飞过。21世纪英汉〔herringbone〕Herringbone the sides in place, above the mitred corner.用人字形图案把斜接角上方的两面适当装饰一下。外研社新世纪〔herringbone〕Sports A method of climbing a ski slope with the tips of the skis pointed outward.【体育运动】 倒八字形上坡:一种滑过斜坡的滑雪方法,即使滑橇的末端向外指美国传统〔herringbone〕Sports To ascend a ski slope with the ski tips pointed outward.【体育运动】 倒八字形上坡:使滑撬末端指向外地上一斜坡美国传统〔herringbone〕To arrange or decorate with a herringbone pattern.以人字形排列或装饰美国传统〔herringbone〕To produce a herringbone pattern.生产出人字形图案美国传统〔herringbone〕We headed for the hills and learnt how to herringbone up them and swoosh down them.我们出发前往小山, 并学会了如何用倒八字形爬上去, 再嗖的一下冲下来。外研社新世纪〔illuminate〕The black sky was illuminated by forked lightning.漆黑的夜空被之字形闪电照亮。外研社新世纪〔jack-knife〕His vehicle jack-knifed, and crashed across all three lanes of the opposite carriageway.他的车弯成V字形,撞进了反方向车道,车身挡住了所有的3个车道。柯林斯高阶〔jib〕The boom of a derrick.人字形起重机的桁美国传统〔lambdoid〕Anatomy Relating to the deeply serrated suture in the skull between the parietal bones and the occipital bone.【解剖学】 人字形的:与头盖骨内枕骨和顶骨间的锯齿状骨缝有关的美国传统〔letter〕A specific style of type.字形:铅字的某种特定印刷体例美国传统〔magnitude〕A property that can be quantitatively described, such as the volume of a sphere or the length of a vector.可量化的值:可以用数字形式描述出来的特性,例如球体的面积或者向量的长度美国传统〔notch〕A V-shaped cut.V字形切口美国传统〔ordinary〕Heraldry One of the simplest and commonest charges, such as the bend and the cross.【纹章学】 普通级:图形最为简单且最为普遍的纹章之一,例如中斜线纹和十字形美国传统〔peace sign〕He flashed a peace sign at us as we drove by.我们开车经过时,他向我们迅速做出V字形和平手势。韦氏高阶〔ply〕Nautical To work against the wind by a zigzag course; tack.【航海】 抢风调向:按一条之字形线路顶风前进;抢风调向美国传统〔point〕A numerical unit of academic achievement equal to a letter grade.分数:学业成绩的数字形式的单位,等于用字母表示的等级美国传统〔readout〕Presentation of data, usually in digital form, from calculations or storage.读出:计算得出或从存储器中取出,通常是以数字形式表现的数据美国传统〔script〕A style of type that imitates handwriting.书写体铅字:仿造书写体的铅字形美国传统〔sissy bar〕A narrow bar shaped like an inverted U that is attached behind the seat of a motorcycle or bicycle and supports the operator or a passenger.靠背:一种装置在摩托车或自行车座后面的呈倒U字形的窄金属棒,用于支撑驾驶者或乘客美国传统〔spica〕A bandage applied in overlapping opposite spirals to immobilize a digit or limb.人字形绷带,穗形绷带:用来固定关节或肢体的用交叉回旋重叠的方法绑缚的绷带美国传统〔splayfoot〕A physical deformity characterized by abnormally flat and turned-out feet.八字形,外翻形一种以异常平扁而向外张开为特征的身体的异形美国传统〔splay〕Spread or turned out.向外张开的,八字形美国传统〔sprawled〕Rolando lay sprawled on his stomach, snoring.罗兰多身体呈大字形趴着, 还打着鼾。外研社新世纪〔sprawl〕His legs sprawled out in a V.他的双腿成V字形伸开。英汉大词典〔squeegee〕A T-shaped implement having a crosspiece edged with rubber or leather that is drawn across a surface to remove water, as in washing windows.橡皮刷:由一根带橡胶边或皮革边的横条构成的一种T字形工具,用来抹掉表面上的水,如刷洗玻璃美国传统〔stencil〕The lettering or design produced with such a sheet.图案,文字:用模板或蜡纸复制出的字形或图案美国传统〔switchback〕A road, trail, or railroad track that ascends a steep incline in a zigzag course.之字爬坡路线:呈之字形沿着陡峭的坡上升的道路、轨道或铁道美国传统〔switchback〕Several hundred yards beyond the first switchback in the road, he came to the second bend.过了公路上第一个之字形路段后又走了几百码, 他来到了第二个弯道处。外研社新世纪〔switchback〕We had to endure a dizzy bus ride over a switchback.我们坐在公共汽车上, 车子驶过之字形路段时被颠得头晕目眩, 但也只能忍着。外研社新世纪〔tack〕We had to tack repeatedly as we sailed toward the harbor.我们只好做之字形航行,戗风航行驶向港口。韦氏高阶〔tee〕Something shaped like a T.T字形物:形状象T字的东西美国传统〔transept〕The transverse part of a cruciform church, crossing the nave at right angles.耳堂:十字形教堂的横向部分,用直角穿过中殿美国传统〔traverse〕Nautical The zigzag route of a vessel forced by contrary winds to sail on different courses.【航海】 Z字形航路:由于逆风被迫沿一条不同的路线航行的船只的Z字形路线美国传统〔traverse〕Sports A zigzag or diagonal course on a steep slope, as in skiing.【体育运动】 Z字形道:在一个陡峭的斜坡上的Z字形或斜向路线,如在滑雪中美国传统〔traverse〕To go up, down, or across a slope diagonally or in a zigzag manner, as in skiing.Z形移动:斜向或按Z字形攀登、爬下或横穿一个山坡,如在滑雪中美国传统〔turn〕His feet turn in.他的两脚呈内八字形英汉大词典〔twist〕The roads twist round hairpin bends.道路呈U字形蜿蜒曲折。外研社新世纪〔twist〕The roads twist round hairpin bends.道路呈U字形蜿蜒曲折。柯林斯高阶〔unshift〕To release the shift key on a typewriter or computer keyboard.松开一台打字机或计算机的键盘上的字形变换键美国传统〔v〕Ahead was the deep V of a gorge with water pouring down it.前面是陡深的 V 字形峡谷,水流倾泻而下。牛津高阶〔wake〕The wake spread out in a v-shape behind the ship.轮船的航迹呈V字形在船后扩散开来。剑桥高阶〔widow's peak〕A V-shaped point formed by the hair at the middle of the human forehead.额前发尖,美人尖:人的前额中间由头发形成的"V"字形美国传统〔wind gap〕A shallow notch in the crest of a mountain ridge.风口:山脊顶点处的浅的V字形槽口美国传统〔ziggurat〕A temple tower of the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians, having the form of a terraced pyramid of successively receding stories.金字形神塔:古代亚述和巴比伦神殿的塔,形状似梯形金字塔,有连续向后倾的塔层美国传统〔zigzagger〕One that zigzags.之字形行走的人,弯曲的物体美国传统〔zigzag〕Here the road goes down steeply in a series of zigzags.路在这里呈之字形急转而下。麦克米伦高阶〔zigzag〕In a zigzag manner or pattern.之字形:之字形风格的或之字形形状的美国传统〔zigzag〕The lightning zigzagged through the churchyard.闪电呈之字形划过教堂墓地。英汉大词典〔zigzag〕The road zigzags up the hill.这条路成之字形上山。牛津同义词Because it stores music in the form of numbers, a compact disc produces pure music, with no surface noise.因为激光唱片是以数字形式储存音乐的,所以它能发出纯净的音乐,没有针头在唱片上的摩擦声。剑桥国际Churches are designated on the map by crosses. 地图上教堂以十字形记号标出。译典通Flocks of geese often fly in a V-shaped formation.雁群经常排成人字形飞行。剑桥国际My watch shows the time digitally (= in the form of numbers which can change).我的表以数字形式显示时间。剑桥国际The lawn was laid out in the form of (=in the shape of) the figure eight.草坪被设计成8字形状。剑桥国际This island is in the shape of a cross. 该岛呈十字形译典通

