“so there”例句

单词 so there
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TRAVEL〕We'll be in Istanbul for three days, so there will be plenty of time to explore. 我们要在伊斯坦布尔逗留三天,所以有足够的时间进行考察。朗文写作活用〔bonded〕The company was not bonded in any way, so there is no compensation scheme.该公司没有任何形式的担保, 因此没有赔偿方案。外研社新世纪〔card〕So there he was in the ring, the first man on the card.看呐,节目单上的第一个选手已上场了。英汉大词典〔chain〕Both houses are currently vacant so there is no chain to worry about.目前两栋房屋都无人居住,所以不必担心是连环式购房者。韦氏高阶〔chain〕They are first-time buyers, so there is no chain.他们是首次购房, 因此没有链式交易。外研社新世纪〔chance〕The meetings are very short, so there is little chance for real discussion.会议都很短,所以没有多少机会进行真正的讨论。麦克米伦高阶〔clear〕Dad cleared a space (=moved things so there was room) in the garage for Jim's tools.爸爸在车库里清理出一个地方来放吉姆的工具。朗文当代〔clear〕This behaviour must stop—do I make myself clear(= express myself clearly so there is no doubt about what I mean)? 这种行为必须停止。我讲清楚了吧?牛津高阶〔come〕The label had come off, so there was no way of knowing what was on the disk.标签已脱落,所以无法知道磁盘上是什么内容。朗文当代〔duty〕The traffic lights were not working so there was a policeman on point duty.交通信号灯坏了,所以有一个警察在执勤指挥。牛津搭配〔frequently〕Bordeaux is on the main Paris-Madrid line so there are frequent trains.波尔多位于巴黎到马德里的铁路主干线上,来往列车频繁。柯林斯高阶〔frequent〕Bordeaux is on the main Paris-Madrid line so there are frequent trains.波尔多位于巴黎到马德里的铁路主干线上, 来往列车频繁。外研社新世纪〔gap〕She had taken several years off to raise a family, so there was a large gap in her work history.为了照顾家她几年都没工作,所以她的工作履历上有很大一段空白。韦氏高阶〔light〕The lights are on, so there must be somebody at home.灯亮着,家里一定有人。韦氏高阶〔lying〕We know the facts so there is no use in lying.我们知道真实情况,所以说谎是没有用的。英汉大词典〔money〕He had no job so there was no money coming in.进项麦克米伦高阶〔noplace〕Soon there would be noplace for them to go for help.很快他们就会无处求助。剑桥高阶〔out〕He was out in his calculations, so there was a lot of carpet left over.他算错了,所以地毯还剩下很多。朗文当代〔overlap〕Overlap the slices carefully so there are no gaps.将切片小心翼翼地搭好,中间不留任何空隙。柯林斯高阶〔penetrate into〕The water has penetrated into the bedroom, so there must be a hole in the roof.水已经进入卧室,所以肯定在房顶上有洞。21世纪英汉〔play〕The budget is very tight, so there isn't much money to play with.经费很紧,没有很多钱可用。朗文当代〔right〕So there I was right, middle of the night, right, and this guy came up to me...“好啦,我就在那儿,半夜里,对吧,这家伙向我走了过来……”剑桥高阶〔something〕A lot of people support Katz's theory, so there must be something in it.很多人都支持卡兹的理论,那它一定有些道理。麦克米伦高阶〔something〕Christianity has stood the test of time, so there must be something in it.基督教经受住了时间的考验,因此其中一定是有些道理的。柯林斯高阶〔something〕Christianity has stood the test of time, so there must be something in it.基督教经受住了时间的考验, 因此其中一定是有些道理的。外研社新世纪〔so〕So there you are! 这就差不多!文馨英汉〔so〕So there you are. I've been looking for you.啊,原来你在这儿。我一直在找你呢。韦氏高阶〔squash〕The children sat in the back so there wasn't a squash.孩子们坐在后面,所以就不挤了。英汉大词典〔standing room〕All the seats were gone, so there was standing room only.当时座位票已全部售完,只有站票了。剑桥高阶〔there〕So there I was, up to my waist in icy water.情况就是这样,我站在齐腰深的冰水里。麦克米伦高阶〔there〕So there we were with Amy and she was driving us crazy.就这样,我们和埃米到了一起,而她快把我们逼疯了。柯林斯高阶〔there〕I think that's sweet, so there.我看那样很好,就这么定了。柯林斯高阶〔thickening〕Soon there was a thickening of the darkness ahead.不久,前面越来越暗了。英汉大词典〔turn ... off〕She forgot to turn off the tap, so there was water all over the floor.她忘关水龙头了,地板上全是水。21世纪英汉Soon there would be noplace for them to go for help.不久他们就无处求助了。剑桥国际Halfway through the song there is a change of key.在歌的中间有一次变调。剑桥国际He wouldn't listen so there was nothing I could do.他不愿意听,所以我帮不了他。剑桥国际If this generation of young women don't start reproducing soon there will be a fall in the population.如果这一代的年轻妇女不赶快开始繁育后代,人口将会下降。剑桥国际It was a civil case so there was no question of him being sent to prison. 这是一宗民事案件,所以不存在判他监禁的问题。译典通Malcolm knows the city well, so there isn't any fear of / there's no fear of us getting lost (=we will not get lost).马尔克姆很熟悉这座城市,所以我们不会迷路。剑桥国际The beach was wide and flat, so there were no breakers or combers and children could swim there safely.海滩既宽又平,没有碎浪和卷浪,这样孩子们游泳就安全了。剑桥国际The bomb exploded after the shops had closed and so there were mercifully few casualties.这颗炸弹在商店关门之后爆炸,所以很幸运,伤亡很小。剑桥国际The disease is hereditary, so there is a chance her daughter may suffer from it too.这种疾病是遗传的,因此她女儿也有可能患上。剑桥国际They only told me at the last minute that they couldn't come, so there wasn't time to invite anyone else.他们到最后一刻才告诉我来不了了,所以没时间请别人了。剑桥国际This was an in-house decision, so there is no use fighting against it. 你抗争也没用,因为这是一个内部的决定。译典通Thursday night's concert was her first for twenty years, so there were plenty of misty eyes among the audience.星期四晚上的音乐会是她二十年来的第一次,所以观众中不乏泪眼朦胧者。剑桥国际We had a few problems at the beginning of the project so there were a lot of stops and starts.我们在这项目一开始就有些问题,因此工程断断续续。剑桥国际We missed the last bus so there was no choice other than to walk home.我们错过了最后一班公交车,所以除了走回家别无选择。剑桥国际You have to pour Guinness slowly so there isn't too big a head on it.你要慢慢地倒健力士(黑啤),这样它上面的泡沫就不会太多。剑桥国际

