
单词 倒不如说
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FINISH〕The finished book was more of a personal diary than an autobiography. 这本写完的书与其说是自传,倒不如说是私人日记。朗文写作活用〔coarse〕The book is racy rather than obscene.那本书与其说是猥亵的,倒不如说是活泼地。美国传统〔disappointed〕Dad seemed more disappointed than angry.与其说爸爸生气,倒不如说他失望。朗文当代〔gambit〕He sees the proposal as more of a diplomatic gambit than a serious defense proposal.在他看来,与其说这是一项精心筹划的国防动议,倒不如说是外交上的一着妙棋。柯林斯高阶〔less〕Trade union leadership in those days was less a career than a vocation.那个时候的工会领导与其说是一份职业, 倒不如说是一种使命。外研社新世纪〔less〕Trades union leadership in those days was less a career than a vocation.那时候的工会领导与其说是一份职业,倒不如说是一种使命。柯林斯高阶〔liability〕Since his injury, Jones has become more of a liability than an asset to the team.琼斯负伤以来,与其说他是全队的骨干倒不如说他已成为队里的累赘。牛津高阶〔more〕The words were spoken more in sadness than in anger.这些话与其说是带着愤怒说出来的,倒不如说是带着哀伤说出来的。麦克米伦高阶〔reportorial〕His lecture was more reportorial than analytical.他的讲课与其说是分析评价倒不如说是事实报道。英汉大词典

