
单词 抛锚停泊
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anchor〕A ship arrived and anchored in the bay.一艘轮船驶入海湾, 抛锚停泊外研社新世纪〔anchor〕The ship cast anchor in the bay.船在海湾里抛锚停泊牛津搭配〔anchor〕The ship dropped anchor in a secluded harbor.那艘船在一个僻静的港口抛锚停泊韦氏高阶〔anchor〕The ship lay at anchor two miles off the rocky coast.船在离岩岸两英里处抛锚停泊牛津高阶〔anchor〕The ship was at anchor.那艘船抛锚停泊着。朗文当代〔anchor〕We anchored off the coast of Spain.我们在西班牙沿海抛锚停泊牛津高阶〔anchor〕We could anchor off the pier.我们可以在码头不远处抛锚停泊外研社新世纪〔anchor〕We dropped anchor off the coast of Norway.我们在挪威近海抛锚停泊麦克米伦高阶〔becalm〕My stomach got worse when the schooner was becalmed.当双桅帆船因无风而抛锚停泊时我的胃病加重了。21世纪英汉〔cast〕They cast anchor at nightfall.他们傍晚抛锚停泊牛津高阶〔lain〕The pleasure boat is lying at anchor.游艇正抛锚停泊着。21世纪英汉〔off〕The ship anchored a mile off the coast.那艘船抛锚停泊在离岸1英里的海面上。英汉大词典〔ride〕Nautical To keep (a vessel) at anchor.【航海】 使停泊:船抛锚停泊美国传统〔ride〕There was a large ship riding at anchor in the bay.一艘大船抛锚停泊在海湾里。朗文当代〔tail〕To lie or swing with the stern in a named direction, as when riding at anchor or on a mooring.船尾朝某一方向停泊:船尾朝向指定方向停泊或摇摆,如船只抛锚停泊或系泊时那样美国传统

